#percussionist hunk



• lance and keith are guard buddies (rivals). lance plays like five instruments but he chose guard because he thinks it’s more showy. he also loves being on rifle line. his rifle is his girlfriend. keith loves flag. sometimes he pretends it’s a sword. nerd. bonus: keith has no idea how close is too close and has hit three trumpets and a clarinet in the span of two days. also he has a glove tan.

• pidge is a sax. she is also a mess. whenever they’re not playing show music or required to be quiet she’s playing careless whisper. biggest meme. she is terrible at the marching part of marching band. also highly protective of her dots even though she can never get to them in time. don’t stand on her dot unless you’re supposed to be there. she will end you.

• hunk is totally a pit guy. he never liked marching and well, pit is less walking. he’s the section leader (mom) and helps everyone get their instruments out to the field. on long days he brings ingredients (like ones you don’t have to cook and can be put together quickly) and they make food during dinner break.

• shiro and allura are drum majors. they’re super chill and people often call shiro dad by accident (on purpose). they tend to intimidate the newbies but always try to calm their nerves. allura baked cookies for hours and made 8 batches so she could bring enough for everyone. she also leads bonding exercises.

• coran is the director. he’s funny and chill albeit a bit strict. everyone loves him. he loves everyone. he just wants everyone to have a good time and everything to go smoothly and the performance to go well.

• another bonus: matt isn’t part of marching band but he’s there all the time. everyone kinda just accepts his presence. air saxes careless whisper with pidge. tickles shiro at random (shiro pretends not to like it but he actually does and he knows that seeing this side of him makes the newbies more comfortable around him). brings the dog to band camp every day. brought a taco truck his friend’s cousin’s roommate’s brother owns once.

hunk got locked in the instrument closet once and decided to just spend the night there
