
Bruh hello, it’s me ya boi emerging from the grave.THis is my (as usual;) extremely late Secret Saze

Bruh hello, it’s me ya boi emerging from the grave.

THis is my (as usual;) extremely late Secret Sazed Gift for  greyhavenart! I don’t think they are on Tumblr, but you can check out their Instagram HERE!

I was very excited to get Greyhaven since they drew me SUCH a beautiful Dalinar one year, I wanted to try and return the favour with ANOTHER Dalinar for therm!

For some reason I couldn’t get Dalinar opening the perpendicularity out of my head so I went and did that as my piece for them!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE, MY DUDE! I’m sorry this took so long to get to you the holidays were bonkers!

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