#personal do not rb


oh mein gott thank you all!!! i hope to provide you all with more horn content

redownlaoded okcupid… L moment for me

pride was fun btw even though i missed the parade… Why must be far out…

also on another note ty for 150 followers! i hope to write out more detailed fantasies but i’ve been a bit non horny lately due to it being That time of the month

(comes back to 99+ notifications)

woke up to 100 followers!!!!! thank you guys so much!!!!!

i hope to get back into writing soon so i can post longer form stuff!!

i appreciate all of you who follow from non nsft mains o7

wait just realized i called this a side blog in my pinned when i don’t even use tumbler mainly anymore. this is like my main

almost back from my trip you all will be able to get more horny content when i’m not about to pass out at any moment i promise

50 followers!!!! thank you all so much!!! i promise to provide horny content for your horny needs

be busy on my trip and come back to massive amounts of notifications

ok hiiii guys so. i will be going away for like 10 days and i may or may not be active?? idk

ok made my pinned like 50% shorter congrats to me for being concise for once

i will shave my legs and armpits because hehe i like smooth but i will always be rocking a full bush. i am not getting ingrown hairs over there sorry

having a nsft blog is great i can get out my horniness in my hell home and dorm of no privacy

oh right after finals week i am GRADUATING!!!! so go me. i’m techincally not getting my degree yet because there’s like some things i have to finish up but like who cares i’m #classof2022ing it up.

pls be proud of your me, your favorite lesbian with a dumbfication kink that i am graduating. i wonder if anyone could guess what my major is :3

people tagging stuff as lemon in 2022 ??!?!??

ok changed my blog name slightly it is me c lesbieggy

oh right i hit 10 followers!!! first double digits babeyyy thank you for following my very self indulgent ass

if i said i was a service top too none of you would believe me due to the content i post . I cannot beat the bottom allegations

man i’m dumb i had “hide this blog from search results” turned on no wonder why none of my tagging seemed to get attention
