





the world’s smallest carnivore is called the “least weasel” i’m dying but like if it’s the smallest carnivore then it sure is the least amount of weasel you can have

Look at him: this is absolutely the least amount of weasel you can have

Does this mean that flesh-eating bacteria isn’t considered a carnivore? In other words, a carnivore is not a thing that eats animals but an *animal* that eats animals?

Does that mean that carnivorous plants are not carnivores?

“Carnivore” really is a technical term. Carnivores are anything that can be classed in the order Carnivora. “Technically”, only mammals can be carnivores, and it is further divided into “doglike” and “catlike”.

TLDR; I’m stressy depressy and I appreciate all the kind messages I’ve been receiving and requests for new stories. Please know it’s not that I don’t want to write them. I mentally just cannot right now. It’s taking every ounce of my strength just to get up and go to work & even then I’m not managing it well most weeks. Please be patient. I have an appointment tomorrow to get back on meds & I sincerely hope that that will see a remarkable improvement again.

For a more indepth explanation, please read below.

TW: unaliving yourself mentions and mentions of mental illness / abuse.

I am incredibly blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend who is absolutely the sweetest, kindest soul on this planet. I feel like he is the universe’s reward for all the ridiculous shit I’ve put up with in past relationships. It LITERALLY feels like the universe was like “here you go, breathe now, he’s got you.” I’ve never felt more supported, loved, cared for, or adored than I do dating this man, and we’ve only been together for a little over two months now.

I haven’t been super open about my mental health struggles lately, because if I’m being honest, I didn’t realize that’s what was going on. When I left my ex in December 2020, I stopped my meds the next day. I wanted so badly to believe that I was only ever needing the meds because of him. However, after reflecting over the year and a half, I realize that it wasn’t all him. As much as I’d love to blame it on him and as much as he was detrimental to my emotional and mental health; I am bipolar. Whether it was triggered before him or during him, I’ll never be 100% sure - but I have this mental illness and it’s something I’m going to have to live with for the rest of my life & that has been the hardest pill to swallow lately.

I have so many grand things that i’d love to do yall. But I am mentally incapable of following through on a good majority of them. The times I’ve aimed to make big changes or do drastic things, I’ve been manic. So manic that I feel untouchable and like I can conquer anything so in the moment I announce it because maybe, just maybe, it’ll stick. But there’s always a crash. I feel like my life is at the height of a rollercoaster every day and I am waiting on the edge of my seat to see if I’ll stay high or crash to the low. The highs are amazing when they are there, but the lows leave me exhausted, anxious and borderline unable to function.

I’ve looked at my job history, spending history, and conversations from the past year, and I’m seeing the trend in my mental health very clearly. I’ve felt very defeated because I wanted to show myself (and admittedly my ex) that I was better off & the last few weeks I felt like I wasn’t. However, because I am blessed to have such an amazing partner, they reminded me of how many things I HAVE overcome since leaving & all the ways I am better off which helps a lot. A big one is i no longer want to die everyday. I haven’t felt any suicidal thoughts since I left my ex. But my brain couldn’t focus on that, instead I hated feeling defeated and they reminded me I’m not. (it’s also amazing have a partner who doesn’t make it about them when you’re having a bad day????)

Anyways, I appreciate all the kind messages I’ve been receiving and requests for new stories. Please know it’s not that I don’t want to write them. I mentally just cannot right now. It’s taking every ounce of my strength just to get up and go to work & even then I’m not managing it well most weeks. Please be patient. I have an appointment tomorrow to get back on meds & I sincerely hope that that will see a remarkable improvement again.

I had to leave this application if I just don’t like this application, I had to practice several times to make a drawing too and I could already try to do it quite well

Honestly, this application was uploading pure Nonsense pure that I was uploading, but for now I upload everything that interests me or not, that’s

But honestly I had to leave this application because of what they did to me or if alone or something that made me angry or something that I didn’t like

Now I am 15 years old I am already a big girl because that age was only 14 years old

For this reason I had to leave this application and give deviantart For that reason

But I already feel good about deviantart application

Look for this reason, or whatever. Tell me why I wanted to change my way of being because I was only 14 years old and now I am 15 years old. I’m already a big girl. I can do anything and I already draw well.

But another reason I wanted to leave for this application was because people made fun of me

And that is why I did not like this application at all. For that reason I had to go and for another application

Because I thought that people respect ship that invents people but I was wrong

This is just a message to end this application

Bye and take care



The inherent homoeroticism of killing your enemy and immediately regretting it

It’s about rage, it’s about obsession, it’s about making that two-person war your entire raison d’être. It’s about loving and mistaking it for hatred and loving and loving and loving to the point of destruction. His or yours, it doesn’t matter. And you think seeing him dead at your feet will make you feel better, but all you feel is a whole lot of nothing.


why does everything have so many steps. I want to press a big red button and my titties come off. instead I have to make phone calls.

I have made the phone call

why does everything have so many steps. I want to press a big red button and my titties come off. instead I have to make phone calls.

Today is one of those days where little things turn to big things in my mind and frankly I just wanna lay in bed and call it a day
