#pete davidson blurb


Dating Pete Davidson headcanon (spiritual edition)

So I always loved this man and I’m really happy he is getting the recognition he deserves so I decided to post this. Enjoy!

  • When you mentioned spirituality and crystals he was respectful but interested

  • “So what does this crystal do?” Was a common question as he looked at your new purchases

  • He knew not to touch your crystals cause one time he did and you explained that now you had to cleanse them again

  • Sometimes he would go at your altar (whether that’s deity work or just a place to have your stuff) and just look at all the stuff you got

  • He actually started to meditate with you, you suggested it for his stress and since he had tried everything he gave it a shot

  • He got so excited when you bought him crystals, he even facetimed colson to show him “look at this shit dude, apparently this is uhhhh uhhhh oh for protection”

  • Sometimes he would come to you like a tired kid and tell you “hey I don’t feel good can you like… clean me?” “You mean cleanse?” “yeah”

  •  He even started going to metaphysical shops so he can buy you gifts for your anniversaries and other occasions, tarot decks, crystals, sage, whatever the employee suggested

  • Sometimes he would tease you just to ruffle your feathers, like when you made what he called “magic juice” which was moon water or he would say his girl is “fucking with that witchy shit” during his stand up

  • He would never admit it but he liked to observe you do your thing, like shuffle your tarot decks or play your singing bowls

  •  when he was nervous or excited about a project he would ask your pendulum about it

  • He love to listen to you when you explained stuff to him, like the phases of the moon, astrology, he even memorized his birth chart 

  • He fully trusted your intuition especially when it came to new people in his life “hey babe, what do you think of him?” He asked every time he introduced you to someone new just to make sure they passed your “vibe check" 

  • His mom and sister loved you, his sister was pretty close to you and started to pick up some stuff, the reason behind it was "just to make sure I’m safe” and his mom only cared that you made Pete happy 

  • He even let you use your “special time” for your manifestations, of course you asked for consent when it came to spells that had to do with him and the answer was always “I’m already in it, so might as well make sure you ain’t leaving”

  • He loved to see how happy you got when you spend time in nature, he could listen to you talk all day about how can you use stuff you find for your and how to be respectful when you want to take something

  • He was a bit weirded out at first when he would just catch you listening to healing frequencies but now he loves them, he would even put some on when he was

The Sun And Moon (Pete Davidson x Reader)

Heyyyyyy besties! So I’m back with another white boy of the month. I would like to warn you that this will be mentioning Pete’s BPD and the reader will be mentioned as somebody that has had traumatic experiences however i am not mentioning what does that imply so don’t worry about it. Other than that I hope you enjoy!

Being with Pete was almost a gift and a curse, you were so different yet so alike. The ultimate example of twinflames, the yin and yang. If someone had to describe what you two were like was that (y/n) was like the sun, a warm personality with kindness and such just overall this untouchable beauty from inside and out, also she adores to be under the sun, Pete sometimes found her as she laid on the floor next to her cat just so she can enjoy the warm rays, sometimes she would have her crystals (Pete called them “magic rocks”) which Pete found so adorable, also as the weather got warmer she got happier.

Pete was the moon, a little bit more moody, mysterious, yet alluring, he intrigued anyone that was around him. Unlike (y/n) Pete was a night owl, he liked late night drives, staying up all night just smoking weed and watching movies, he liked the silence that the nightfall brought, he felt more at peace with the idea of relaxing and enjoying the darkness that others feared. Many times (y/n) woke up in the middle of the night and found him on her balcony, just sitting there and enjoying the view.

People around them brought up that comparison so much that they even got it as a couples tattoo, (y/n) got the sun behind her ear and Pete got the moon on his left middle finger cause he found it funny. However the curse was that they had to learn how to be around one another, yes they had similarities but they weren’t quite the same situations.

Pete was a comedian, (y/n) was an author, both of them had to sometimes sit their ass down and think of something to write, but the circumstances were different. 

“Baby I’m here”

Pete said as he shut the door of (y/n)’s apartment, dropping his pair of keys on the bowl that she had conveniently placed on a piece of furniture right next to her front door. Pete waited for an answer while taking off his shoes, (y/n) liked structure and she was a very neat person, another thing Pete had to learn, he wasn’t dirty but he was a tad bit of messy so when he was at her apartment (which basically had become his also) he was careful with how he did things.

Silence greeted him back, he sucked in his teeth as he realized exactly why this was happening. (Y/n) had mentioned that she was writing the second book of her fantasy novel and she was in a bit of a writer’s block, she had so many fresh ideas however when it came to writing them down sometimes her mind just wouldn’t co operate and she just couldn’t get it down in a way that she found right. He left the take out food on the small coffee table and continued to walk towards her bedroom. 

There she was, slightly laying back on her leather chair with her laptop in front of her, just staring at her screen and occasionally pressing a few buttons. The door was somewhat open so he could take a good look at her, her hair was down, she was wearing some shorts and a t-shirt she had accidentally spilled bleach on so now it was a house shirt and no socks, she hated wearing socks. Pete knocked on the semi closed door to get her attention.

“Oh I didn’t hear you come in”

“I figured, what are you doing here babe?”

“Regretting my decision on signing the contract for a second book”

She mumbled when Pete approached her and leaned down to press several kisses on her neck and cheeks. (Y/n) smiled and enjoyed the feeling of comfort he brought her before shaking her head and pulling away from him.

“I need to finish this chapter”

“What you need to do is eat, I’m pretty sure you skipped breakfast”

She knew he was right, that’s why she didn’t respond so she just kept on staring at her laptop screen, hoping that miraculously an idea will come to her head. She deeply appreciated his concern but she felt the pressure of her publicist that called everyday to ask about the book, today was one of the few days she chose to not pick up the phone. Pete once again was met with silence although that didn’t stop him from placing his hands on her shoulders to give her a massage.

“Come on sunshine, you can take a break and clear your head”

“Pete I have to write thousands of pages in a short amount of time, it’s not just fucking punchlines”

Pete’s face made a sour expression at her jab. It did sting a little bit yet he tried to understand that she was just overwhelmed with the responsibility of delivering on time. He took a deep breath before patting her on the head and turning away from her.

“I’ll be in the living room”

For some time she felt relieved that he left so she could refocus, however after a few moments when she started to see her reflection on the screen she started to realize what she had done which was awful. She felt so bad that she had to shut down the screen and close her laptop so she wouldn’t look at herself, she spoke in such a disregarding manner that she felt disgusted. With tears already clouding her eyes she got up and found Pete watching TV, the take out in front of him and it didn’t take long for her to notice that he had bought her favorite making her feel even worse. She stood in front of the TV and Pete looked in her eyes and smiled.

“I’m sorry”

Her voice breaks in the middle of the sentence. Pete’s smiled dropped when he saw a year escaping and heard her whimpering voice, he immediately got up from the couch and went to hug her.

“Its okay sunshine”

“No it’s not, I didn’t mean it I swear”

“I know baby”

“I’m just so… stressed”

She said and let herself relax in his arms as she wrapped hers around his torso, feeling the warmth of his engulf her. His scent went to her nose making her feel safe in his arms as the tears stained his sweatshirt. Pete started rubbing her back to help her let out her emotions, he knew how emotional (y/n) was and he found it cute how she feels like cry no matter what the situation was, she had happy tears, angry tears, sad tears, she saw a dog tears, attending a wedding tears, he didn’t mind it though on the contrary he liked that she was able to express her emotions with no fear.

“I understand baby, it did sting a bit though, you know how much I love my work”

“I know, I wasn’t thinking when I said it which is wrong”

They had agreed that they wouldn’t do the “it’s ok” type of shit, they preferred to actually say when something either hurt them or bothered them so they can have clear boundaries with one another, it was one of the best decisions they could have ever made, it was one of the strongest foundations they had for their relationship. (Y/n) looked at him and Pete immediately went to wipe her tears, before pressing a kiss on her forehead.

“I’m sorry”

“I accept your apology. Are you feeling better now?”

“A little bit. Thank you for forgiving me and I will try to do my best to not repeat that behavior”

She responded, her voice now was more steady and clear.  Setting boundaries between them and being clear about the behavior that is acceptable was something they had established early in the relationship, Pete was diagnosed with BPD and (y/n) had trauma from past experiences so they had agreed to see a couple’s therapist in order for them to move on with their relationship in a healthy manner, so things like “it’s ok” or “you know I didn’t mean it that way” were unacceptable, taking accountability for their actions and having the humility to apologize was their key to success.

Pete’s smile reappeared and now gave her a kiss on her lips, making (y/n) get a bit of a shiver down her spine. Their kisses always felt so strong, like energy passing through one to the other, it was such a magical experience to them.

“Are we good?”

“Yes, now take a seat and I’ll microwave your food”

“Wow, Gordon Ramsey would be so proud of you”

Besties I’m afraid to ask you this

So ummm I may or may be not adding Pete Davidson to my list of favorite white boys… Would y'all like it if I started writing for him? If so please request what you want to me to write about. Thank you besties!
