#pets styx

First pageThis week we have the origin story of Styx, the newest addition to the household. We were

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This week we have the origin story of Styx, the newest addition to the household. We were worried that it would be weird having another cat so soon after Tibi’s passing, but it’s actually went really well!

…Except for the part where she got sick and had to spend half of her first week with us at the vet’s.

But for real, she’s doing great now! And we’re doing great, too.

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This week we have a story I’ve been meaning to tell for a while, which is the story of Styx the Kitt

This week we have a story I’ve been meaning to tell for a while, which is the story of Styx the Kitten Who Eats Everything. 

That cactus has since died, but it was in rough shape when we inherited it, and it turns out that cacti are actually pretty delicate. :’D Drew gave me a covered terrarium for Valentine’s so I can have some desk plants that the cats won’t eat.

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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First pageA day late, but here we are! A sort of peek into what was going on when I wasn’t updating

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A day late, but here we are! A sort of peek into what was going on when I wasn’t updating GQutie for a couple months (as well as adjusting to new medication, the election, work stress…. I could go on, lol).

Ontariorecently authorized family doctors to write referrals for top surgery, which was amazing, since for decades onlyCAMH (a single clinic in Toronto) had that authority, leading to a backlog that was YEARS LONG. In fact, the reason why they changed it was because the wait was so long that people could legally begin to sue for lack of care.

However, as this comic shows, ending the backlog at the referral stage just moves the backlog to the surgery appointment stage. Right now, only THREE surgeons in the entirety of Canada accept OHIP (Ontario’s health insurance) for top surgery. For bottom surgeries or facial surgeries for anyone, it’s even worse. @-@

But at least Styx is spayed now?

Here’s hoping that this next year isn’t too long of a wait for Drew and I, and that our trans fam will have to wait less. <3

If you can, please consider supporting me onPatreon so I can make more art!

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