

[IG] chaelincl: April 16, 2022

[IG] daraxxi: It wasn’t like a dream, it was like a reality. It didn’t feel like it was only 7 years. Even though our time apart was longer than the time we promoted together, we were surprised & happy that all 4 were in sync just like how we did before. It feels like I’ve found my original self again.. That comfort.. that stability… It looked like 4 puzzle pieces have been put back together again. I am ve~ry happy for the 10 days that the 4 of us spent together in the US I don’t know when it will happen again but.. I hope the day that we’ll be together again comes and let’s continue to support each other and let’s work hard in our individual places/fields!!! In the meantime, I hope that this was a good gift to the Blackjacks who have been waiting for a long time. ♥️♠️

2NE1 Performing at Coachella

kerwinfrost: 2NE1 FOuREVER

2NE1 at Cochella 2022

2NE1 At Cochella!

[IG] _minzy_mz: Family photo
