



Oh I am so. Ready.

I am concerned™

theories and potential spoilers under the cut.

Keep reading

I agree. They have to add some element of mystery, because unlike most Groundhog Day-style plots, the element of no one believing the person looping doesn’t make sense here. Why WOULDN’T everyone believe Daisy was looping, given the situation and some of the other things they’ve seen?

From the two promos that just got released, I think the two major elements are going to be the ticking clock of getting out of the time vortex, and something or someone sentient on board that is actively working against the team (whoever’s choking Daisy in the very first promo would certainly suggest this).

I don’t think it’s Enoch or PhiLMD, though. The “whose side is Enoch on” plot thread has already been pulled a few times (unless it’s not really Enoch, hmmm), and PhilMD’s cryptic line being in the first promo would completely destroy the tension if he were the big bad. I think something snuck on board.
