


Semi fourway

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Clara had three boys, none of them got circumcised as an infant and all of them developed varying levels of phimosis during their teen years. Clara wrote in to a local magazine..

“I wish that i had listened to the doctors at birth, both my brothers and my husband had to be circumcised as adult because of phimosis, our doctor had said that was highly unusual but it would probably result in our boys needing to be circumcised later in life. Now that they are in their teen years they didn’t want to talk about the pain and it was only discovered when we found puss in one of the boys underwear. After having the conversation with him thinking that it was an STI we found out he couldn’t retract his foreskin to clean it without “really bad pain”.

That prompted us to get him to a urologist pronto who said we got it in time, a course of antibiotics and some exercises to stretch the skin would make it “as good as new”… after months my son was still complaining of discomfort, although there was no puss it was still sore and would be very painful in the mornings with his daily woody. We returned to the Urologist who told us that he needed to do a circumcision. A few days later we had him booked in, 40 minutes later under a local anesthetic, three weeks to heal and my eldest son is now a very happy boy.

Two years later our second son (now 15) started to complain of discomfort and we knew straight away off to the urologist. He had an appointment with him and then we had the parental consultation. The Urologist said that this time he would opt straight for the circumcision, before we booked it in we talked with our youngest who was 13 at the time. He looked uncomfortable and didn’t want to talk about it with us. In the end his eldest brother convinced him that he should be proactively circumcised. We booked both boys in and the surgery was done without any issues.

Now all my boys are grown, and one is expecting their first baby, a boy. He asked us why we didn’t get him or his brothers circumcised at birth. My only response was that we did what we thought was right despite all the evidence saying we should have (genetics, family history). My husband was very pro-circumcision particularly as he had faced problems himself. If only I could go back and re-do time I would have done it all at birth. The boys love their circumcisions, and they love life pain free even more.

As a parent I always advise parents, remember that when they start to have problems they probably don’t want to talk about it with you. This alone is enough for me to advocate routine infant circumcision.

Rachel writes. My husband and I wanted to be progressive parents. Having three boys in California in the early 1990s it was the start of a new wave of parenting styles. My husband is circumcised and we have amazing sex, but we wanted to leave it up to our boys on if they wanted to be circumcised or not. I had been with a few European men and a few Latinos none of which had been circumcised and I didn’t like the appearance, however I had to put my personal preference aside.

Fast forward 8 years and our youngest son was complaining that his penis hurt. We had a look and it was inflamed and looked aweful. We took him to the family GP who said he had phimosis. We saught a second opinion with a Latino doctor.. same diagnosis. We tried various stretching, antibiotics etc and nothing seemed to help as the situation because progressively worse. After around 6 months our son asked to be circumcised ‘if it will stop the pain’. A few weeks later he was circumcised.

To cut a long story short all of our sons ended up getting circumcised before their 16th birthday. While there is no evidence to suggest that it’s hereditary my brother’s boys all had similar problems. It turned out that our father had also had problems and was circumcised as an adult.

Now that the kids are in their late 20s or early 30s they all unanimously wish they had been circumcised at birth. As a mother it pains me to think that I didn’t do what I felt was right at the time because of the social pressures within our progressive parent group.

Stories like the one below really scare me as I move forward with getting circumcised.


So in case people didnt know… i got circumcised becasue i have Phimosis. it was quite painful, but the after math of the circumcision had nothing on it. i have been walking in loose boxers for about 2 weeks now :/ and only today have i managed to put on my favorite Y fronts… and yesterday i had some diapers. If people have any questions on circumcision have an opinion on it i would love to hear it. 

Hit me up :D xxxx Tom

A suckable n fuckable snug skin dick here~. Yum!. Enjoy :)

A suckable n fuckable snug skin dick here~. Yum!. Enjoy :)

Post link


hard at the urinal

tight skin

I woke up today to find my blog has 3003 followers.  I’ve said this before, I was surprised when I reached 100 and never dreamed my exotic fetish would be shared by so many others.  I’d love to get more submissions either here on my tumblr or via kik (skingames) or e-mail ([email protected])  All submissions will be treated as private unless specifically noted that they can be posted (anonymously or with credit).  Thank you.

Its been perhaps a year since I contacted you before and sent some photos, I think I have a particularly tight foreskin which was never retracted and certainly in the 1970s it was just left as is on a boy. It is still far too painful to peel back to this day… I can report now i am in a new relationship with a woman that loves foreskin! It is very different now when we have sex and she loves to suck the skin into her mouth, slip her tongue down under my skin and also slide her finger down and roll it around, this latter trick is amazing and makes me cum very quickly indeed, I am also somewhat older than her by 15 years (late 40s) and she seems to accept my older cock and intact foreskin as a novelty, you and I know though that there is nothing wrong with a bit of skin :) so, including her squeezing and accentuating the big floppy foreskin so that you can see it in all its glory, I’m very glad to have found a woman that doesn’t try and retract the foreskin everytime we are naked, my cock is not a banana! It does not need peeling : ) yours a very happy man with a beautiful case of phimosis D.M.

Ahhhh, so, so happy for you (and your new Gf!), and I’m loving your “uncut pride”, you know guys, there is nothing more sexier than just being yourself… if you don’t love yourself, how someone else can do it? and if some bitch complains, just tell them to GTFO ;) because as you already realized, you’ll find the right one who will enjoy you to the fullest… :) and I have to add, your phimosis is just super, super hot, and yes, it doesn’t need any peeling indeed, is perfect <3 omg, I’m turned on! (>人<) (^̮^)
