#photography talk


This is one that I have been thinking about for a while, mainly as I am travelling to Dubai in a month or so. As an Urban Photographer, this should be the ultimate playground for photography, but I’m allready putting pressure on myself to come back with amazing images, and viewing images of Dubai online has further enhanced this feeling of needing to “succeed”.

I think the conflict occurs when you are travelling with someone who does not share your passion for photography. I can’t fault my wife - she has been dragged to many a location and tends not to complain (too much!), but there has to be a balance between enjoying your trip and also getting the chance to take some unique images of places you very likely will not be returning to. The trip is for her enjoyment as much as it is for mine, so im happy to spend days relaxing by the pool rather then negotiating access to rooftop bars for sunrises!

Im guilty of information overload when I arrrive at a new location, especially if it is one that im particulary excited about, and I want to photograph it all at once. I succumbed to this in Iceland, when photographing at Jokulsarlon Ice Beach, runnning around like a mad man, before settling down and concentrating on composition. My approach to photographing Dubai will most certainly be more methodical and planned out. Ive been contacting hotels in advance to organise access to rooftop views, and I need to remember to just enjoy the experience - many peopple will never get the chance to see these sights, so coming away with a great image will be icing on the cake.
