#physical art

Physical Prints, Stickers and Zines up for sale on Gumroad!✨ PRINTS $5Ava Print (A5, A4) ✨ https://gPhysical Prints, Stickers and Zines up for sale on Gumroad!✨ PRINTS $5Ava Print (A5, A4) ✨ https://gPhysical Prints, Stickers and Zines up for sale on Gumroad!✨ PRINTS $5Ava Print (A5, A4) ✨ https://gPhysical Prints, Stickers and Zines up for sale on Gumroad!✨ PRINTS $5Ava Print (A5, A4) ✨ https://g

Physical Prints, Stickers and Zines up for sale on Gumroad!✨ 


STICKERS $2 each or Packs from $3 ✨  https://gum.co/jkSJ

Cow Water $3https://gum.co/realcow

RUMBLE $8https://gum.co/TmNlB

Worldwide shipping included in price!

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hector update! just coated him with milliput, need to sand that down and then prime & paint him

not done by a long shot yet but meet hector&hec2or, my beloved children

hector&hector, the amazing stargazing mooncalf2022tinfoil, monster clay, milliput, flocking powdhector&hector, the amazing stargazing mooncalf2022tinfoil, monster clay, milliput, flocking powdhector&hector, the amazing stargazing mooncalf2022tinfoil, monster clay, milliput, flocking powdhector&hector, the amazing stargazing mooncalf2022tinfoil, monster clay, milliput, flocking powdhector&hector, the amazing stargazing mooncalf2022tinfoil, monster clay, milliput, flocking powd

hector&hector, the amazing stargazing mooncalf
tinfoil, monster clay, milliput, flocking powder (+ sweat, blood, tears)

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