#picking up loose ends


My dearest fellow Mystraders,

A while ago I reached out to you with regards to my Regency AUthat I had started with so much enthusiasm and so many fantastic ideas and that fell into an unforeseen hiatus when Holmes the Elder (or the Earl of Halsbury, as he is called in this fic) decided he not only wanted to kiss Anthea, but LIKE it, too. 

Bloody hell.

Why do fictional characters do that, I ask you, do shit they’re not supposed to do? Well, not that kissing Anthea is actually a shit thing to do, given how she is smart and beautiful and Mycroft’s friend and mother to his godson (in this fic)… but bloody hell, Holmes, this was supposed to be a Regency Mystrade thing! I never intended to go for Mythea!

Anyway, I had no idea how to continue after that. But then I did the only thing that a Mystrade writer should ever do when in trouble, and that is ask the Mystraders for help. And boy, did help come! I have received so many, many fantastic ideas and prompts, and So. Much. Bloody. Support.

Seriously. I don’t know how to thank you all. 

But wouldn’t CONTINUING the story be a good way to say thank you? Pick up where I have left it in - gasp! - January 2017. Can you believe it??? It’s been sitting there for almost 5 (five!) years? 

I’ve been brooding over it for a few weeks now and I have done some editing in the meantime, meaning: pave the path for Mystrade, update the blurb and fix the tags. I’ve not made up my mind how to eventually do right by all of them but I guess I’ll head towards a solution that may seem callous by today’s standards but this story is not set in 2021 but in the early 1800′s, and rules and expectations were different then.

So. The new chapter is in the making, and while I’m getting back into Regency, you may want to revisit the fic to help you remember what the hell it’s all about.

Until then - THANK YOU!!!!!

