
A year ago I found myself lost, disappointed and depressed when I had to come into terms with the fa

A year ago I found myself lost, disappointed and depressed when I had to come into terms with the fact I wasn’t graduating.

At the time I never knew how big an impact overcoming that moment can mean for my journey in life. I was angry and sad and let my emotions get the best of me. I started closing myself off and was wallowing in self pity. Things weren’t getting better abs I knew I had to shoulder my mistakes and own up to finishing what I started. Luckily I had an amazing support system; my Family, my friends specially my squad @beroinado @jujubearillustrations @haphaz.rd @jethroianart @icyrawr , my twin @mikeeisthekey and my supportive boyfriend @martinonagan

They are the reason I stood back up on my feet and challenged myself to keep on keeping on. They listened and experienced a rollercoaster of emotions with me and in the process I grew as a person and took on bigger and better obstacles.

I started sharing my work online, like IG and tumblr. I worked double time on my schoolworks. I made time for the amazing people in my life. And I have met new people who are there to inspire and tell me to keep going.

I’m where I am, a bigger and better person. I have bow graduated a year later, I am fulfilling my dream of illustrating children’s books, I have come to terms with my weakness and Im proud to say this little lady is ready to take on the world!

#littlelady #graduation #littlemisseayan #pieceofme

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