

hey! not to worry any of you but just an update (in summary i am fine just had a bit of a tough time!)

i had a pretty bad fall last week and ended up in hospital with a fractured humerus! yes, ouch. This meant being put in a pot and a sling, then, eventually i had an operation which was yesterday. I’ve now got a plate in my arm screwing the bones back together!!!

all in all, would not recommend. it’s been a pretty traumatising time and a big pain, i’m not going to be able to do my final exam and potentially not graduate (yet, though am hoping i can get an exam deferral). as i’m just on a lot of painkillers at the moment and being told to take it easy, I’ll either be more active here or vanish again! so, jsyk, since i’m always keeping you guys up to date.

either way, i know i always plug it but i’m usually rambling about things on twitter @ _belkates if you need me.

hoooouuuuuuuuughhh I just submitted one out of my two final (final) exams

in other news aside from lots of essays to write and incoming exams, i am v happy to say I got onto the masters I applied for! :)
