#pink horse




Bettina from… Magic House of God???

Update: it’s been pointed out that it actually says Magic HORSE of God, which is even better

Bettina is back!
And this time, she’s in a package. Bettina (in various styles) has been on TTT here before, but when you get her from Amazon, she is not packaged in a box. Much like She Ra Swiftwind, the box is indeed accurate that she is a horse: the unicorn horn is part of her metal themed bridle. The wings appear to be part of the saddle too, in this case. So, she’s a pink glitter horse that has a magical transformation. As you can see, this is Barbie’s Ballerina horse but with the leg wraps/gems uncolored to help ‘disguise’ them. It’s a good way to get the horse if you like the pose.
But of course we’re here for the funny box that tells you she’s the “Magic Horse of God”. Not real sure what that means, but bootleg item boxes do like to throw that around some for whatever reason. There’s a “Zilla” size styling Celestia which says that “Celestia is both God & The King” for the planet. Does it misgender Celestia or is being The King something more of a generic title anyone can hold? The text feels lifted from something out of Ancient Egypt because they did have that concept as part of their religion. The headline here makes one quite curious as to what they might have come up with for the back of the box…Various god/s references on fakie things are like “Well if I had a nickle for every time I saw that…by this point I’d likely have several nickles. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s odd that it keeps happening.
