#pirates of wefrivain

Nestbox Peptalk, 2022Birthday gift for @alhilton of Tzu and Felbane in the nestbox before the events

Nestbox Peptalk, 2022

Birthday gift for @alhilton of Tzu and Felbane in the nestbox before the events of the  short story Fly. I’ve drawn the same characters before over here.

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“Instead of dropping to the deck, however, Anaroo put one glossy black hoof on the quarterdeck bulwark. She made a striking target with her black and white fur and skin, her red coat billowing around her.[…]In one fluid movement, Anaroo plucked an arrow from her quiver and drew back the bow. There was a beat like a dancer’s pause—not hesitation, just practiced rhythm. Then the bow thrummed and one of the riders jerked backwards off his griffin, as though punched by an invisible fist.”

The Scarlet Albatross, Book 3 of the Pirates of Wefrivain series by Abigail Hilton (@alhilton)


Aaaand because I am very bad at using this platform, a video, separate of the picture!  Watch in amazement as I almost make a mess out of art!

How the sausage is made

corvithearti: A young Glossy telling Belvedere a cautionary tale… with a happy ending, of course.Cha


A young Glossy telling Belvedere a cautionary tale… with a happy ending, of course.

Characters from the Pirates of Wefrivain series by Abigail Hilton.

It’s Glossy! Telling her kidlet a scary story…possibly about his father. Belvedere even has his red stripe!

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corvithearti: “Silveo leveled the gun at the target, widening his stance to take the recoil on his d


“Silveo leveled the gun at the target, widening his stance to take the recoil on his diminutive frame. He was wearing clothes of undyed cotton, a straw hat, and just enough coal to protect his eyes from the glare.”

- The Cormorant, Book 5 in the Pirates of Wefrivain by @alhilton

Aahhh!!! It Cormorant fan art!!!

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corvithearti: A day on the deck of an airship.Theseus and Belvedere! @alhilton


A day on the deck of an airship.

Theseus and Belvedere! @alhilton

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