#pisces full moon

What energies are coming through during this coming Pisces Full Moon?I’m surprised that only 2 main

What energies are coming through during this coming Pisces Full Moon?

I’m surprised that only 2 main elements came through in this reading: Earth and Air; it’s comprised of mostly pentacle and sword cards. This combination tells me that ideas and desires are ready to be grounded and manifested into reality, but there are some interesting twists, it seems. For one thing there is quite a bit of strict, authoritarian energy coming through. This could either manifest as determination or controlling tendencies that need to be kept in check. Edges between the real and unreal (makes sense, due to that Pisces/Virgo axis) might feel a bit thicker, and things might feel more discouraging than they are in reality. Don’t be discouraged! There’s a difference between something being impossible, and it simply being unrealistic at any given moment in time. Divine timing is a real thing, after all! :P

Another thing I got is that we should spend some time balancing our extremes out, with the theme being: what is taken from and given to other people, and what is taken from us and given to us. This is an element of personal exchange that is coming through quite clearly, whether it be a literal exchange of time and effort, or the exchange of words and ideas. There’s the possibility of healthy communication during this moon that should be strived for; we should look out for the habit or desire to only listen to our side of the story, and give others a chance to speak up and share their side. There may be also be exchange-type scenarios presented to us where our moral compass is called into question. If we have the chance to do the right thing or ignore it we should, of course, reach for the ethically sound thing to do. 

For the most influential energy of this month’s full moon I pulled the 5 of Cups. To me this says this it will be the end of a cycle of grieving for what could be called “lost causes”; there will be a lot of healing around this. The things we have felt failed us, or that we have failed, will be given a chance to have new light shone on it and we can surrender the wounds in hopes of really reaching a new height in terms of healing and recovery. This message is just a little detached from the entirety of the reading, but it resonates beautifully. Thanks to anyone who read all of this! I will be doing my best to do more readings like this in the future.

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