#pixel commissions

opening these since i cant get a fucking job 5 slots woop just send an ask if ur interested  - - - -

opening these since i cant get a fucking job

5 slots woop just send an ask if ur interested

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Post link

        ◇ Commissions open again


!! Please read the info !!


As I am fully at home its time to open them again^^

Before anything I want to point out a couple things:

◇ Any “flat color” piece means it has very soft shading; nothing detailed:

 Theseexamples <–

◇ Any “full shade” piece has no lineart; looks painted:

 Evenmoreexamples (check my instagram as I usually post there too!)  <–

This is because changing technique made my work look a little different ^^


Will draw:


◇your favorite characters

◇soft nudity and blood are OK

◇slight furry (I mean animal features are ok)


◇explicit nsfw and violence

◇hard gore


◇whole furries

◇some other things that could make me uncomfortable (just ask me)

◇complicated backgrounds



◇ I reserve the right to refuse a request for whatever reasons (again, just ask).


◇ Payment is via paypal.

◇ Paypal.me link is given after we agree on the price.

◇ Half the total amount must be paid upfront.

No refunds.

◇ You decide if the background is transparent or colored, but if you need a certain or simple bg that’d be extra fee.

◇Every extra characters added can go from $5 to $15 extra (it depends on their complexity), speaking of the small pixels each character is $3.

◇ I require references (it can be poses, situations and/or color palettes too).

◇ Everything can be discussed :) (even if you are interested in icons or sketches)

If interested or have any more questions send me an IM or e-mail me at [email protected].

Reblogs are really apreciated!~

~Thank you~
