#pj bunny


Over the last few months, two similar bunnies came to the hospital for similar treatments.  One was fairly local, he came into the studio in person at the beginning of the year.  His name is BunBun, and he is a pink, striped, pj bunny.  Bunny, on the other hand, is a blue bunny who  flew in from Cincinnati.

Similarly, both bunnies didn’t have their original people contact me first.  Rather, people who loved the bunnies’ people contacted me, hoping to rejuvenate the bunnies as a gift.  In BunBun’s case, it was his person’s mom.  In Bunny’s case it was his person’s fiance. Here are the diagnosis photos.

First BunBun:

As you can see, his clothes were awfully thin, see through, with holes and old patches.  I offered several levels of treatment.  His person’s mom opted for a gift certificate, and then his person brought him in.  She opted to recover his pjs, but leave his cuffs and button strip as they were.  We also planned to give him a spa, recover his nightcap (not the rim), and transplant his pj tush flap onto the new fabric.  I had a near perfect match for his fabric, which she approved.  It’s actually specially printed pink stripe fabric I had ordered for an earlier pink stripe bunny.

Here’s BunBun starting his spa (of course he go the pink tub!):

Meanwhile, Bunny’s diagnostic photos showed similar thinning (not quite as see through though). 

Bunny’s people planned to have his clothes and tops of shoes recovered (again I had a near perfect match for fabric) and to give him a spa as well.  Somehow, he managed to avoid a bubble bath photo, but here he is in a rare “patient unstuffed and drying” photo (next to a unicorn who is clearly trying to escape the photo!):

BunBun’s recovering proceeded quite smoothly and she got restuffed with a pink stripe heart to match her new pjs:

Here are her chubbiness approval photos:

And here she is all set to be picked up and go home:

You can see how nicely the new fabric blended with the repaired original fabric of her cuffs, button strip, and tush flap.  His person said: Thank you so much, he looks wonderful!!

Meanwhile, Bunny’s story continued… he also had a very smooth recovery.  And he got a blue striped heart to match his new blue pjs:

Sometimes hearts get fantastic reactions, and such was the case with Bunny.  His person wrote:

Thank you for a picture of his heart! My heart exploded!!!! So so sweet  

Here are Bunny’s first chubbiness photos showing off his new clothes.  At this point, his person opted to keep his original cuffs and shoe soles as is.  We had recovered his pj flap because it had torn too far.  His spine is open here so I can adjust his stuffing:

His person wrote: He looks almost right! I think just a TINY bit more and we should be good! He can be just a hair firmer I think!

So I added just a bit more and sent a few more photos:

The reaction? “ Oh he’s PERFECT! I could cry!!!! I can’t wait to hug him! “

And he flew home to his family’s waiting arms. :-)

Two happy striped bunnies home to keep their families company again!
