#planetary hour


So I’ve been studying planetary hours for a while now and I’ve noticed something. The day and the hour that you were born on, that’s something you have to focus more on throughout yourself (rulership). Take me for example. I was born on Saturn day (Saturday) during the Saturn hour. Saturn rules discipline, structure, and overall grounding yourself. With me being born during Saturn hour, that applies as well. I do have trouble staying grounded and focused because I’m always creating fantasies for myself and my future, although it does come to fruition (Pisces Jupiter and Venus natal), but struggling to put the action behind it because I’m afraid of failure, it causes me to delay myself, Saturn rules delays as well. I could be wrong, but that’s something that I picked up on. You can look up your planetary days and hour that you were born on using regular planetary hours along with your regular birthday and birth time using any planetary calculator. I personally use time nomad. That is the most versatile astrology app.
