#planetary placements




hey guys!!! Ik I’ve been inactive but I really wanted to do another survey that combines psychology and astrology. This time I was thinking about flirting and how different placements in the chart all rlly play a part in flirting and I wanted to see what kind of trends with specific elemental placements I would get in these flirting related questions (applying to the ascendant, venus, mercury and mars). Which placements generally are more confident about their abilities in flirting? Which elements feel more comfortable doing some types of flirting rather than others? Which feel that there flirting styles are much different over text or online than their real life approach? This is not an ultra scientific survey with promised perfect accuracy, I’m not a professional in any way I’m simply doing this for entertainment and because I find the topic really interesting and I know you guys have too when I’ve postedthem before!! So please if you could take the time to take this survey it would be so awesome!!! once I get a sufficient number I will post my findings for everyone in case you are interested! Sending loads of love and light ❤️✨ here’s the link again!!!


^take short ASTROLOGY SURVEY ✨ and stay updated for results !!!✌
