
Amazonian training by General Antiope.#WAnderwomanHindiWonderwoman#planking

Amazonian training by General Antiope.

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Once again I could not wait for the weekend, I swear the weeks seem longer here. I blame exhaustion from the heat. I got my first piece of work back on Wednesday, which led to my ultimate confusion. Last Friday we’d been in this ‘discussion group’ and we’d been told at the beginning to write down an answer to his question. I thought that this was just to help structure the discussion (which obviously I had no intention of taking part in), so I’d just bullet-pointed some vague answers, but about a minute before the time was up I realised everyone else had written long essay answers. I decided pretty quickly there was nothing I could do but hand it in, and learn that in future I should look to see what others were doing first. Anyway, I got the “paper” back on Wednesday and had got an A-? Strangest thing ever! He’d even commented that I “needed more detail” but must’ve felt bad and given me the benefit of the doubt! No complaints here.

Anyway, Friday eventually got here and we went down to Market Square as planned to watch Footloose, but we had to sit at the back as it was completely full, so we couldn’t really hear the film much, but it was fun anyway! About halfway through, a random man started Planking near us, and he really was a dedicated Planker. After much debate about whether any of us had the guts to go and lie down with him, we did, and then after he’d finished (if you can call it that?) he came and sat with us and played his guitar. Of course our first request was Rocky Top! This is where we sat at Market Square and me and (we never found out his name) the Planker!

It was one of the American boys (David) birthday’s, so we went to his apartment on the way back, as he was having a party. I am honestly so paranoid about being arrested, its quite ridiculous. There was apparently a noise complaint, which left most of us trying to hide our drinks in case the “cops” showed up. Very strange to be underage again!

On Saturday, it was the day we’d all been waiting for, game day! Unfortunately, even though it’d been boiling all week, it was raining for quite a while on Saturday. It’s so weird, as the weather is still warm and humid, but then it will just start chucking it down, it’s definitely strange! After some iHouse 'tailgating’ (which included my favourite thing in the world: free food) we went over to Neyland (pronounced NEE-land, allegedly) Stadium. It was still slightly rainy but it was so fun! Theres just so much orange around, its crazy. One of the many things I didn’t know about American Football is how long it is! The clock only goes down on actual “playing time”, so even though there is only 1 hour on the clock, we were in there for 3 and a half hours. Tennessee won 51-13 against Georgia State, so there wasn’t too much suspense, although next week is against Florida, who is apparently one of our biggest rivals, so that should be interesting!

Pictures to follow!

@kaseybic74 bringing back #planking but to a whole new level #elephantplanking

@kaseybic74 bringing back #planking but to a whole new level #elephantplanking

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“You can do it to a friend - especially when they’re planking!”

#spanking    #belting    #planking    #barefoot    