
Saturday studio moment. #plantfriends #kokedama #orchid #airplant #succulents #nautilus #plantlife #

Saturday studio moment. #plantfriends #kokedama #orchid #airplant #succulents #nautilus #plantlife #isthegoodlife (at robincharlotte studio)

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Played around with homemade henna today

Played around with homemade henna today

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PLANT BABIES ARE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. How’s that for some everyday magic? Dang, but I cannot think o

PLANT BABIES ARE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. How’s that for some everyday magic? Dang, but I cannot think of anything more magical than science. I can’t wait to check on all of these friends tomorrow. #reluctantlywoo #justorderedmyfirsttarotdeck #queerwitch #plantfriends #springfeels

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