
A Plant to Brighten Up a RoomOriginally posted on DeviantArt on August 16 2021(woman to fuckplant tr

A Plant to Brighten Up a Room
Originally posted on DeviantArt on August 16 2021
(woman to fuckplant transformation)

Lindsey had thought she might have potential as a gardener, but her fate will be much more permanently involved in horticulture.  Warped by chemicals, her humanity and even her status as a mammal will evaporate as she transforms from animal to vegetable!  Her head a lily-like bulb, retaining only her talented lips.  Her hair sepals giving color to her like a flower.  Her breasts human-like but literal melons, enormous and filled with sweet nectar.  Her neck a long green stem, and her extremities leaves and fronds.  And then, her hunger will begin.  The biological imperatives that push her to obtain sustenance and grow.  For she will not be some ordinary shrub.  No, Lindsey will discover a new life as a Fellatiflora fornicariae, or, more colloquially, a fuckplant.

A houseplant, but one greatly treasured by a certain discerning type of owner.  She will be left with only her most crucial… her most female features.  A welcoming wet orifice tipped with plump lips, and an enormous pair of boobs.  Reduced from an energetic, multifaceted woman to an eager, undiscerning fellatrix obsessed only with pleasuring whatever comes near her bulb.  But one thing is certain… she will definitely brighten any room she’s in.

Stock images used available for free from Depositphotos at
Additional photography of the breasts was made by me.

Interested in reading a story about girls transforming into… ahem… succulent plants?
Check out a new story, “Whorticulture”, here:  https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43281070/

If you’d like to see each image individually, they are included in the story or available separately here:

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