#playing with fire




Soooooo remember how we had said there would be no Chris/Ellie tomorrow?

We changed our minds. Chapter4WILLBEPOSTEDTOMORROW! At the usual time (1pm EST) and we’re calling this the “birthday gift” chapter, since it’s a little unexpected and in honor of my () birthday!

And it’s sorta a major one

REMINDER! Playing With Fire’s chapter 4 will post in 3 hours!!


Soooooo remember how we had said there would be no Chris/Ellie tomorrow?

We changed our minds. Chapter4WILLBEPOSTEDTOMORROW! At the usual time (1pm EST) and we’re calling this the “birthday gift” chapter, since it’s a little unexpected and in honor of my () birthday!

And it’s sorta a major one


Please check out Saint Louis University’s K-Pop Dance Team : K:ODE. I was one of the main dance coordinators for this one. Please show it some love. 

BLACKPINK - Playing With Fire + BOOMBAYAH @ 170119 High1 Seoul Music Awards!
