#please comment ir contact me


I need to update my taglist.

I’m placing my current lists beneath the cut.

If you are not on a taglist

I’d be happy to add you. Please mention which fandoms you would like to read about. Your are welcome to send me a message, comment, or ask.

For those on the current lists:

Please let me know if you would still like to be tagged for future fanfiction posts? If you don’t contact me I’ll presume you do not wish to be tagged. ❤ I’m planning to have these updated by June 1st so you may need to endure my tagging until then. 

Thank you for helping me with keeping these lists current.

Ikemen Vampire:
@ikemencrossedmyth​​​​@shingekinoali​​​​@zetalith@vespeshadowmoon​​​​​​​​@milas-imaginarium ​​​​​​​​ ​​​@imyournewfairygodmother@mysticdreamerme​​​ @zavannahmj​​​​@ashavazesa​​​​@oikoneko​​​​@lunnakai-blog​​​​@nad-zeta​​​​@tsubaki3192​​@datenoriko​​​​@some-animal-in-azuchi​​​​@kisara-16@thesirenwashere​​​​@funshinebear6@briars7@11mb0 ​   @starry-starry-night24 @choi-jiyu @i-sleep-like-napoleon​ @otomegamesaremydrug​​​

Obey Me!
@in-words-of-what-maybe@s-fellows-art @theblowfish @niphredil-14​​​@bita-bimzyx​​​@iamthecinnabooty​​​@fairstival​​​@mimi-the-lucifer-stan ​​​  @a-cup-of-nightshade@gree-for-free ​​​ ​​​ @darkfaerry​​​@fluffimemes​​​@ghoulgirlradio​​​@cuteunicorns11@menollywanderer@kimbertmusings​​​@tsubaki3192,@ikemencrossedmyth,@zavannahmj,@salty-fed-up-bitch .  @stardust414 @starry-starry-night24.@imyournewfairygodmother

Ikemen Sengoku:
vespeshadowmoon ​​​​​​​​ milas-imaginarium ​​​​​​​​ lunnakai-blog ​​​​​​​. nad-zeta, ​​​​​​​​ tsubaki3192, ​ datenoriko ​​​​​​​​ some-animal-in-azuchi ​​​​​​​​ ashavazesa-me ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ starry-starry-night24 ​ imyournewfairygodmother zavannahmj, salty-fed-up-bitch, zetalith ​​​​​​, mysticdreamerme ​​​​​​​, ​​​​​​​oikoneko ​​​​​​​​

Hmm… I didn’t know you could only have fifty tags in a post. So I just listed the tags without the @ on the Ikemen Sengoku list. Since you’ve all already been tagged earlier. 

Thanks for the help and sorry for tagging you just for this.  ❤
