#please distract me



1. a poem you like that was originally written in another language (non-english)

2. a poem you like that was written by a poet of colour

3. a line from a poem that you would get as a tattoo

4. a poem that you read in school

5. a contemporary poem that you like

6. a traditional poem that you like

7. a poem that has many meanings to you (+ what are those meanings?)

8. a poem that reminds you of a specific person

9. a poem that exemplifies your favourite theme(s)

10. a poem that reminds you of yourself

11. a poem that reflects your view on life

12. a poem about love (romantic/platonic/self-love/etc.)

13. a poem that makes you ache

14. your favourite poem

15. a poem about loss (or sorrow/grief/etc.)

16. a poem that you have memorised

17. a poem by a poet no longer living

18. a poem that gives you hope

19. a poem you like that mentions a specific person’s name

20. a poem about your favourite season

21. a poem with your favourite motif

22. an underrated poem that you think everyone should read

23. an experimental poem that you like

24. a popular poem that you dislike

25. a poem that you associate with a specific place (city/country/etc.)

26. a poem about food

27. a poem about a colour

28. a poem about a month 

29. a poem about desire

30. recommend any poem you want that’s not covered by the above prompts


ask me

Taking sketch requests today—I’m way too stressed over con and merch stuff and I don’t want to work on anything serious till tomorrow
