#please ignore my gross carpet

What’s up, fam? How’ve you been? My external hard drive is dead forever. :( That’s where almost all What’s up, fam? How’ve you been? My external hard drive is dead forever. :( That’s where almost all What’s up, fam? How’ve you been? My external hard drive is dead forever. :( That’s where almost all What’s up, fam? How’ve you been? My external hard drive is dead forever. :( That’s where almost all What’s up, fam? How’ve you been? My external hard drive is dead forever. :( That’s where almost all What’s up, fam? How’ve you been? My external hard drive is dead forever. :( That’s where almost all

What’s up, fam? How’ve you been?

My external hard drive is dead forever. :( That’s where almost all of my files were. Maybe I’ll get a new one and make more posts, but who knows? I love writing about this weirdo stuff, but it takes time I don’t have these days.

ANYWAY.I have a kitten now! She was born under the compacted cardboard pallets behind the store I help manage. Her name is Mouse. She is a monkey and a monster and my old boy Pickles is the epitome of an exasperated uncle with a 3-year-old niece. Bless his heart for putting up with her.

Peace and pangolins to y’all,

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