#please keep coming with your analysis




So I’m rewatching the first episodes & I love how in ep 2 Pran is calling out Pat “saying” he was happy without him which Pat doesn’t agree with. He keeps pointing out he said it was peaceful without him.

And then we have ep 5 where Pat basically says what he couldn’t in ep 2. Yes it was peaceful, but the reason he couldn’t agree with Pran saying he said he was happy was because he wasn’t fully happy.

Yes, Pat says in ep 5 he was happy, but it was cause he didn’t have to be on edge or paranoid about competing. But he realized later on that being on edge with Pran around meant always being with someone. Always having something to look forward to: Pran.

It was “depressingly lonely” for him without Pran, so he wasn’t truly happy.

yes !!!!! there’s a lot of dialogue that makes you go ????? in ep 1 and ep 2 that they come back to in later episodes to explain and i LOVE that

I love how converastions that look ‘funny’ or put there just to entertain the audience in the first 2 eps are actually full of hidden meaning! Watching Bad Buddy should be an experience done 2 time! The first to appreciate the fun and the second to realize it was never about ‘fun’ to begin with… I hope a lot of people watch the show without waiting to know how it ends because they would lose the impact of figuring out, together with Pat and Pran, how actually those ‘jokes’ or ‘fight’ are really meaningful 
