#pls check them out



A fatal vore story commissioned by @memes-fullfill-my-life. Features Jamil Viper as the lucky predator being fed, and a particularly unpleasant Borrower as the prey. ‘Nuff said. XD


It was nighttime on Sage’s Island - the magical isle where both Royal Sword Academy and Night Raven College stood tall and strong. The moon shone down harshly on Night Raven, the black castle glittering like an onyx opal in the silvery shine of the great, pearly sphere. All was quiet; unusually so. The witching hour was close at hand, and the air was deathly still: all the students, it seemed, had gone to bed, and even the ghosts who haunted the Ramshackle Dorm seemed active. Nothing at all seemed alive in any given spot; from the waters of Octavinelle to the gardens of Heartslabyul, all was sleeping.

Scarabia was no exception…at first. If someone HAD been awake at that black hour, they might have picked up the tiny sound of miniscule footsteps pitter-pattering through the palatial halls of the ornate dormitory. A tiny creature - no bigger than a mouse - was still stirring, and moving…and hurrying.

Said creature dashed on soft-soled little shoes through the hall. Occasionally, they would pause, ducking behind the base of one of the small palm trees in the place to catch their breath and check their surroundings. The little one pressed their back against the back edge of the pot in which the tree was planted, nearest to the wall, where the shadows were most heavy; they sighed with some relief as the silence remained unbroken by anything but their own footfalls, breath, and beating heart.

The tiny creature was a Borrower: for any stranger among us who may not know, Borrowers are little people, who live in the homes of bigger folks, like yourself or I. They refer to themselves a Borrowers because they “borrow” things from humans and other larger beings that dwell around them. If you’ve ever lost a bobby pin, chances are it’s because a Borrower found it first and decided they could use it for something. The same goes for any time you might have dropped a small piece of food on the floor, only to find it seemed to disappear before you could pick it up; in all likelihood, a Borrower noticed it and snatched it away.

Most Borrowers are friendly; they distrust humans, but they don’t particularly dislike them. They simply don’t want to be caught in the event the people they are borrowing from are not nearly as nice as they are. Like any race of sentient beings, however, for all the good that will exist, there will be bad ones…and THIS Borrower was a bad one indeed.

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Two words to describe how I feel about this: in love!

@twistedtummies2 is back at it again with a wonderful story. I was wondering when fatal vore was gonna make a reappearance in the twst works of their page.

As this was a commission from someone I also can’t help but promote in hopes that they get paid to pump out more delicious stories! ❤️
