#pls send asks


Halfway done! My inbox is lonely…


please link this post somewhere where people can see the original :-)

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blush—are you single, taken, crushing, or not interested? or is it complicated?

ballet slipper— with only one word, describe how you feel at this moment

rose quartz—what’s your love language (romantic or platonic)?

watermelon—have you ever had to reject anyone romantically? how did it go?

fuchsia—describe your personality in three words!

rose—do you believe in soulmates? why or why not?

coral—what’s something you’re passionate about?

carnation— how important are “looks” to you in a relationship?

blossom—would you get a tattoo? if so, what would it be of?

salmon—would you prefer a partner who is an introvert or an extrovert? why?

pastel pink—do you prefer to dress up and go out or stay in and relax?

bubblegum— how do you feel about your love life right now? are you happy with it?

champagne—what’s your favorite form of physical affection, if any at all?

hibiscus—what’s your favorite pet name, if any? why?

hot pink—what’s your favorite relationship trope?

flamingo—would you say you’re clingy in relationships and friendships?

cherry pink—when it comes to loved ones, are you openly affectionate or are you more reserved?

peach syrup—have you ever had an internet crush on a mutual on this app or another app?

pink magnolia—would you say that you develop crushes quickly?


CNC Ask Game

Inspired by @nyaughtycatgirl. Consent is key, and implied for all questions.

  1. Have you had a cnc experience? How was it?
  2. Favorite restraint? (Ex. cuffs, rope, tape, zip-ties)
  3. Favorite type of gag? (Ex. Ball, ring, duct tape)
  4. Rough cnc(struggling, scratching, choking) or soft cnc(reluctance, squirming)?
  5. Would you want to have a cnc experience outside, like in an alley or parking garage?(assuming the consent of anyone nearby)
  6. What’s your ideal cnc scene/scenario?
  7. How do you feel about somno/sleeping scenes(with prior consent)
  8. How do you feel about drugged/intoxicated scenes(with prior consent)
  9. What’s your darkest cnc fantasy?
  10. Would you enjoy a scene with multiple doms?
  11. Would you enjoy a scene with multiple subs?
  12. Do you like the idea of passing out, either from choking or drugs?
  13. Do you enjoy crying or making your sub cry as part of your cnc scene?
  14. Are you into pet play/would you enjoy forced pet play as part of a cnc scene?
  15. What do you enjoy being called during a cnc scene?
  16. Do you enjoy taking on roles during cnc?(ex. guard/prisoner, doctor/patient, master/pet)
  17. Would you enjoy a longer(24 hours+) cnc scene, like being someone’s captive or slave?
  18. Would you enjoy being fucked by people you don’t know/couldn’t recognize?(assuming everything is safe)
  19. Do you enjoy the part of a cnc scene where the sub gets broken?
  20. Chained in basement or tied to bed?
  21. Are you into primal play?
  22. Denial or overstimulation?
  23. Have you ever used a fake safe word(a safe word meant to be ignored)
  24. What is your safe word/safe signals?
  25. Do you use the stoplight system or a variant of the stoplight system?
  26. What does your ideal cnc aftercare look like?
  27. How often do you check in with your partner(s) during a cnc scene?



making a character in thirty questions but it becomes increasingly more personal

  1. what is their name?
  2. do they have a nickname?
  3. do they have other names?
  4. what is their age?
  5. what is their eye colour?
  6. hair colour?
  7. what languages can they speak?
  8. what is their favourite food?
  9. least favourite?
  10. who is someone they would die for?
  11. who is someone they would kill?
  12. do they have any family members?
  13. did they go to school?
  14. what was /would be their favourite class?
  15. who was their childhood friend?
  16. what is their clothing size?
  17. shoe size?
  18. height?
  19. gender orientation?
  20. sexual orientation?
  21. do they have a sworn enemy?
  22. do they have any tattoos?
  23. have they ever smoked?
  24. what is their mental state?
  25. what is their darkest secret?
  26. who is their sacred confidant?
  27. what is a lie they tell everyone?
  28. what is one lie they know is not true but continue to believe?
  29. if they were under different circumstances would they stray from their storyline?
  30. what makes them hurt?

Ask about characters?

(Default if not specified, of course, is Celeste or Vega because new shiny). Ask whatever, how many ever. 31 for your own question, if you have one that’s not listed.
