#plushie adventures





@drileyf@mrmustachious@cg29@tbirds@janetm74@soniabigcheese@alexthefly@melmac78@katblu42@rachfielden-xo@m-calculus@ak47stylegirl today it is some English thingymabob where Parker jr throws us a party ‍♀️. John said it’s the queens platinum jubilee and that she has been the queen of England for 70 years (that’s even older than grandma!) Casey joined us for our picnic (which was supposed to be outdoors but it’s raining ) so we moved the party indoors

We even got to wear these awesome crowns!

And now we are enjoying some real English culture

Looks fun!

@janetm74 it is fun. We have wine for later!

Huzzah and hoorah for British-based wining and dining. Enjoy the festivities, all!







Parker jr promised Scotty that she would take him to see maverick yesterday. But as she is off all weekend didn’t want to go to our cinema and instead said we would go to Weston to watch it, then go and play on the beach. So we got to go on the train!!! I love the train!!!!

But when we got there they wouldn’t let us watch the movie . Some technical issue with the staff tickets so Parker jr had to find a way to cheer up Scotty as he was crying. So we went down to the beach and Parker jr let me play on the waltzers - that was super cool. They spun round really really fast!

Then we went to the beach and Parker jr said I could go and see the donkeys!!!!!! And I got me a slush puppy to drink

But Scotty was still sad, so I buried him in the sand to cheer him up (which for some reason didn’t work ‍♀️)

So we went and had some lunch instead

And had a play in the arcade! Scotty won a prize - which I forgot to take a photo of - so he’s happy now

And Parker jr has said she will take him to see maverick asap @drileyf@janetm74@mrmustachious@cg29@tbirds@soniabigcheese@ak47stylegirl@alexthefly@heckincuddlies@inertplanetary@rachfielden-xo

The beach looks so much fun, we’ve never been to one and would love to go at some point. Hope Scott gets to see his film soon

Lot’s of hugs from us and @cg29

@tbirds you should definitely go to a beach! It is the best thing ever! Trust me!!!!!

Scotty has just finished watching the movie now we are having lunch. Had to go for the vegetarian option as they had no vegan choices

That food looks yummy Glad Scott got to see his film x

And then we had dessert

One last update!!! Scotty has now Been to see maverick!!!!!

Yay!!! So glad he got to see it in the end. What did he think of it?

And yippee for beach fun and games! We had a day out at the seaside yesterday too - it looks like you had just as much fun as we did.


For my birthday Gordon got a new friend. Welcome Virgil!!

Yay! Plushie FishTank goodness! And I completely love their respective shirts - gorgeous. Welcome Virgil!!
