#pluto in 5th house



Pluto archetype through the astral houses

Pluto archetype:

  • Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house. It’s called that way because of the Roman God of the Underworld. In Greek mythology is known as Hades.
  • In astrology Pluto is a transpersonal planet, this means that deals in a soul level for a trascendent way to face life. It’s a destructive force of old structures that no longer serve to our purpose in this lifetime, the changes that Pluto impose are drastic and emotionally intense, sometimes it can be very hard to deal with.
  • Represents the most raw and honest reality about ourselves, mostly the parts we try to hide to the rest of the world. This planet prefers to move in the shadows, like Pluto’s mythology.
  • Pluto’s obstacles are hard to face but involve positive changes and a most trascendent understanding of the situations or life itself. Those tests can transform us for our best wellbeing and are made to aling us with our soul mission in this incarnation.
  • Pluto’s placement shows us where and how we can get very passionate about the things we love but get obsesive with them as well. It deals with our basic instincts and the darkest parts of our personalities.
  • Represents the death of the ego and the awakening of the soul. Like alchemy, it transforms what’s old into something new and brighter.
  • Pluto face us with what makes us uncomfortable about ourselves to make something beautiful of it, like the chrysalis evolves into the butterfly or the snake shedding their old skin.

Puto through the houses:

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