#poc fic


Second Chances

First Impressions Blurb - Aaron Hotchner



Updates: every Tuesday

Aaron’s thoughts and impressions during Chapter 1

Hotch let out a sigh. Just looking at the case remarks by the higher ups at the Bureau irritated him. Why on earth should people who have never stepped foot in the field get a say? Regardless of the fact that he got to work less than an hour ago, he was feeling sluggish, but when did mass piles of paperwork not exhaust him? Just then a knock on his door gladly interrupted the monotony of his paperwork filled morning.

Hotch looked up and paused for a minute to take in the woman in burgundy before him. He had never seen her before and while she was younger than him, she was definitely not fresh out of the academy.

She definitely cared about her appearance. Not a hair out of place on her very recently dyed head, not a highlight grown out. Her long sleeved blouse was perfectly tucked into her skirt, not a crease in sight. Her gait and stance making clear she had a thigh holster, which stirred something within. She extended a hand, showing off her expertly manicured fingernails as Hotch took note of the lack of a ring.

As he introduced himself, he took note of the softness of her skin as well as some faint marker, making it obvious she either had children or was close to someone who had kids.

Her unique sense of humor shone through during her introduction to the team. She was clearly a friendly and extroverted person. When they sat down for the briefing, she chose the seat next to him, the light scent of rose and vanilla permeating his nose. Preventing him from focusing on much else, let alone the case. He unknowingly angled his seat closer towards her, his senses on overdrive.

Throughout the case she made it clear and very obvious as to why she had made it onto the BAU, her intelligence and wit shining through.

But the moment he truly knew was done for was when she was sitting across from him on the plane, after the case. Just the simple act of bringing him coffee and making him laugh after a difficult day had his heart racing. And it never really seemed to stop, at least not while he was with her.


Second Chances

Chapter 3




Updates:every Tuesday

A/N:I have some blurbs about Hotch and Maya’s first impressions of the other. They’re going to be posted soon! Also yay for me bc I don’t have COVID! But I did catch a bug from one of the kids at work so that’s why this chapter is up later than normal.

Find out what happened in Chapter 2

“Knock Knock”, said Maya before entering Hotch’s office.

“Good morning Bose, what can I do for you?”, asked Hotch.

“You can accept these cookies and come over for dinner this weekend as an apology for my daughter’s behavior”, said Maya.

“You don’t need to do that. Kids will be kids”, replied Hotch.

“I know, but Mira is a whole different breed this most”, said Maya.

“She’ll turn out great. Just look at who she has to look up to”, responded Aaron.

“Who? A deadbeat dad, a single mom who’s barely keeping it together, and grandparents who outwardly hate her mom. She won family of the year”, huffed out Maya.

Aaron’s eyes softened, looking at Maya with a warmheartedly. 

“Enough about me. We insist! And bring Jack. They’ll have loads of fun”, said Maya placing a fresh cup of coffee and the chocolate chip cookies that had been baked the night before.

“We’ll come but only if we can bring dessert”, replied Aaron. 

“Sounds like a plan. Saturday at 7:30 work for you?”, asked Maya.

“Sounds good. And thank you for the cookies”, said Hotch.

“No problem Hotch! And before I leave, any allergies or deep dislikes I need to know about?”, asked Maya.

“Nope, Any requests for dessert?”, questioned Aaron.

“How about ice cream? You can’t go wrong there”, said Maya.

Hotch smiled and said “got it” before Maya left the room.


Maya rushed around the townhouse, getting ready for the Hotchners who should be arriving any second now. The smell of freshly baked bread permeated throughout. The autumnal candles burning, and Mira watching Dragon Tales filled the small home the two had made for themselves. 


The doorbell rang, Maya took off her apron and quickly inspected her white sweater for any food stains before heading downstairs to get the door. “Come on in you two. It’s pretty chilly outside for early November”, said Maya, ushering the two in.

Aaron and Jack walked into the foyer, the nervous smile on Jack’s face melted her heart.

“And you must be the famous Jack Hotcher I’ve heard so much about”, said Maya crouching down to the small child tightly gripping his father’s hand.

Jack nodded and said, “yes Ma’am”.

Smiling at the adorable kid Maya said, “you don’t need to call me Ma’am, just Maya will do. How about I show you to the living room where Mira is playing with Legos and watching tv?”.

Jack nodded his head eagerly before pausing to look up at his father.

“Go! You don’t need to ask me for permission here”, said Hotch with a nod of his head.

Jack ran up the stairs, heading for the television.

“You sure do make cute kids Hotch”, said Maya before blushing as she realized what she said.

“I mean…uhm. I didn’t mean that”, stuttered out Maya. 

A blushing Hotch said, “don’t worry about it”. 

After a very hearty meal of seafood bisque (with a tomato and basil option for the kids), freshly baked bread, and salad, the group made their way to the sofa.

“Ma, can we play Candyland?”, asked Mira.

“What do you say Jack, you wanna play Candyland?”, asked Maya looking towards the younger of the Hotchner men.

“Yes please!”, piped out the young boy.

“Okay, you all set it up while I go get dessert”, said Maya.

“Do you need any help?”, asked Aaron.

“Sure, let the kids set up the game. You can help me with the coffee.”, replied Maya.

The two walked into the kitchen where Maya took out the coffee mugs.

“Here you go. I’ll go get the ice cream for the kids” said Maya, handing Hotch the mugs.

“Thanks, and what water do you normally use?”, questioned Hotch.

“Filtered please!”, responded Maya, pointing to the Brita by the sink.

Hotch set to making the coffee as Maya waited for the ice cream to thaw and become more scoopable.

“So how have you been liking being on the team”, asked Hotch.

“In all honesty, It’s been an adjustment. Working with people who have created their own family while being an outsider is difficult. And not only that but you all are the most perceptive group of people I have ever worked with”, sighed out Maya.

Hotch’s face held a look of understanding.

“I remember what it was like when I first got here. I know it can be tough, especially for people who like keeping some semblance of privacy”, said Aaron.

“Exactly. I love being a part of the team. It’s been what I’ve wanted for years. But you all tell eachother everything. And while I am open with certain parts of my life, there are other parts of me that nobody outside of like 4 people know”, replied Maya fiddling with the ice cream scoop.

“They’re nosy. I’ll give you that. But they’re just trying to help. All the team wants is for everyone to feel like they can be open and talk about their life and any problems they may have”, said Aaron.

“I guess it’s just a personal thing. I never really had anyone these past 10 years or so that I felt I could truly confide in so I don’t feel comfortable opening up to people anymore. But I mean that’s how abusers want you to feel, right? That you’re all alone so that you don’t ever leave”.

A sorrow look appeared on Aaron’s face as he reached his hand out to hold Maya’s.


“Maya, if you ever need anything you know you can come to us, right?”

Maya’s heart fluttered as she said, “I know Hotch, but honestly he’s the reason Mira is in my life. So he did something good, right??”.

“Absolutely, Mira might be a handful just like her mother but we wouldn’t trade you for the world, just like you wouldn’t trade her”, said Aaron truthfully.

Maya smiled, a twinkle in her eye, as the oven beeped.

She opened the oven, the warmth of both the oven and smell of cinnamon permeated.

“Maya, we were in charge of dessert. What did you do?”, asked Hotch as he poured the prepared coffee into the 2 mugs.

“Calm down Hotch. Nothing goes better with ice cream than freshly baked apple pie”, said Maya with a smile.

“You keep feeding us like this and Jack will never want to leave”, replied Hotch.

“And what about you?”, asked Maya.

“What about me?”, questioned Hotch.

“Don’t play dumb with me Agent, it’s not very becoming. Would you want to leave?”, reiterated Maya.

Looking at Maya intently with his smoldering eyes, Hotch said, “No, I wouldn’t want to leave either”, before taking the cups of coffee to the living room. 

As he walked away, Maya couldn’t help but notice his back muscles rippling underneath his sweater as he took each step.

“Get yourself under control. His wife died mere months ago”, muttered Maya before she brought the dessert out to  everyone.

As the two Hotchner’s left for the evening after a riveting game of Candyland, Maya couldn’t help but wonder whether her and Hotch’s flirty banter was just that or whether they meant he held actual feelings for her.


Maya was filling up yet another cup of coffee before she went back to her desk to finish up her last report from the case when Hotch walked in.

“Jack has been talking about how cool Maya is recently”, said Hotch.

“Well, I am cool. So you’ve got a smart kid there”, said Maya smiling as she took a sip.

“We want to have you over and return the favor. And the kids get along great. So come on over this Saturday”, replied Hotch.

“Will do, want me to bring anything?”, asked Maya.

“Just yourself and Mira. After last time, I don’t trust you”, said Hotch.

“You do realize that I’ll bring something anyways”, said Maya with a grin.

Hotch smiled as he shook his head and headed back to his office.


“So what’s this Saturday?”, asked Emily.

“I don’t know, your neighbor’s dog’s baptism?”, asked Maya. 

JJ snorted and Penelope was so very glad she had waited before taking a sip of her hot tea.


“No it’s your second date with Hotch!”, exclaimed Emily.

“No it’s not! We’re not dating!”, replied Maya loudly.

“But you want to be”, said Em.

Scoffing, Maya rolled her eyes.

“Wait, so what’s happening here?”, asked a confused Penny.

“Notching. I invited Jack and Hotch over as an apology dinner for the diarrheahead fiasco. And Jack and Mira seem to get along well so we’re having dinner at their place on Saturday”, replied Maya.

“And you’re not attracted to the man at all?”, questioned JJ.

“No! Absolutely not! And Hayley just died, what kind of monster do you take me for?”, asked Maya.

“It’s almost been a year Maya”, said JJ at the same time as Emily said, “a monster with eyes”.

“Okay, he might be nice to look at, but I am not into him at all”, stated Maya firmly.

“I don’t know about you guys but, methinks the lady doth protest too much”, said Penelope. 


Second Chances Masterlist


“second chances are not given to make things right. but are given to prove that we could be better even after we fall”

chapter one 
chapter two
chapter three
aaron’s first impression blurb
chapter four (october twentieth ) 

to be updated as chapters are written

let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
