


Summary: John has a prostate exam and discovers something surprising about himself. Experimentation follows. Sherlock wants to help. They’re in love. You know the drill.

Chapter 1 is up!

Summary: John has a prostate exam and discovers something surprising about himself. Experimentation follows. Sherlock wants to help. They’re in love. You know the drill.

Chapter 1 is up!

lockedinjohnlock-podfics: I just wanted to share this!  I can remember, almost four years ago, getti


I just wanted to share this!  I can remember, almost four years ago, getting so excited when my first couple of offerings garnered a hundred hits.  I couldn’t imagine so many people being interested in what I created in my girlcave.  Who could have guessed I’d have stuck at it this long and come this far.  Man, I’m amazed.  Thank you so much for supporting me, for contributing to this fantastic number.  You really make me want to keep going.

This is incredible and so well deserved! You’re an inspiration to all the aspiring podficcers out there (myself included). Keep up the amazing work!

Post link


Happy to be posting the next chapter of Guilty Secrets, just in time for your quarantining enjoyment.

Chapter 7 - Beeswing

Happy to be posting the next chapter of Guilty Secrets, just in time for your quarantining enjoyment.

Chapter 7 - Beeswing


Back to what I hope will be my regular schedule! Here is Chapter 6! The first, but certainly not the last, Kiss.


Back to what I hope will be my regular schedule! Here is Chapter 6! The first, but certainly not the last, Kiss.



So sorry for the delay! But you may be happy to learn that Chapter 5 is now up!

I’m going to try to do better about my upload schedule. In the meantime, let me know if you’d like to be tagged when a new chapter is posted and I’ll add you to the list.


So sorry for the delay! But you may be happy to learn that Chapter 5 is now up!

I’m going to try to do better about my upload schedule. In the meantime, let me know if you’d like to be tagged when a new chapter is posted and I’ll add you to the list.






Chapter 4 is available for your listening pleasure! John finally comes to terms with what he wants…

Oooh! Is there a posting schedule?

I’m currently shooting for a Sunday update, but so far I’ve only had a 50% success rate. I’ll do my best to kick my own ass into gear, and get these delicious chapters to y'all!

Excellent! Feel free to tag me and I’ll reblog, and that way I’ll know when it’s all up there (har har) so I can swallow it in one go XD

Will do!!

Anybody else interested in being tagged??



Chapter 4 is available for your listening pleasure! John finally comes to terms with what he wants…

Oooh! Is there a posting schedule?

I’m currently shooting for a Sunday update, but so far I’ve only had a 50% success rate. I’ll do my best to kick my own ass into gear, and get these delicious chapters to y'all!

Chapter 4 is available for your listening pleasure! John finally comes to terms with what he wants…



I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the hard and gloriously professional work that @lockedinjohnlock-podfics puts into all her audiobooks of well-loved fanfics. When I’m working on long projects and want to listen to some of my favorite stories read aloud in a lovely, soothing voice, all I have to do is head to her site and click ‘play.’ It’s that simple, and it’s wonderful. 

I just saw this, @zigster-ao3, and I am Blown Away.  Honestly, I’m sitting here at my desk with my mouth open and my eyes brimming.  Thank you so much.  There’s a newsletter out at the moment(Spark!) that talks about fandom lurking and commenting and such, and a comment that @atlinmerrick makes is that you have no idea how a positive comment can boost a creator.  I have had a challenging week and have been feeling lower and lower as the days have gone by and this… this unbidden comment, thrown out into the ether for anyone to see, is everything to me today.  

Thank you so much, Zigs - I am so happy that I can make a wee bit of difference to your daily life.  Thank you for letting me know.

This is such well deserved praise! @lockedinjohnlock-podfics is the voice of this fandom! I’m in a constant state of awe when I think of what she does—producing consistent, high quality podfic at a prolific rate. It’s incredible!

You’re amazing, @lockedinjohnlock-podfics! A gift to us all!


NOW COMPLETE Bringing the total to 4.5 hours, here is the conclusion to:

Thank you so much to @randomwordsonpaperand@alifetimeaheadtoprovethat for your patience - I really enjoyed working with both of you and am super proud of the whole thing! We hope you all enjoy listening to this podfic

Alternatively you can read the fic here:

If you’ve been waiting for part 3, you can listen to it right here!
