#poetry group


i want a small, tight knit circle of poet friends.

i want to essentially create an informal poetry group to get to know other writers/poets where we can exchange feedback, writing resources, share inspiration and basically support each other, as writers and as individuals.

my primary goal with this group is for people like me (hopefully you’re out there) who don’t have a poetry circle of their own but really want to network, and hopefully aim to create lasting friendships. we’ll also have a public platform, a joint poetry blog (@/bruisedpeachsociety) where we showcase & highlight one another’s works + provide weekly prompts etc, and maybe even potentially work on some cool stuff like zines together. here’s the basics:

if you’d like to apply:

  • you must be 18+ (sorry!)
  • be willing to join our discord server (this will be our main platform) 
  • be at least somewhat active within the group (a lot of these servers die as soon as they’re born, so this is kinda important)
  • you’re genuinely keen on getting to know one another & looking for feedback + support on your work/willing to prove others w the same!
  • reblog this post to help me spread the word and fill out the formbelow
  • PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO FILL OUT THIS FORM (note: the form is optional, and i’ll be accepting reblogs as entries as well, but it’s more preferable if you could do both!)


  • i want to keep it small (a maximum of 6-8 members 10 at max
  • depending on the response this gets, i’ll be reblogging this post with an update. i’m not currently putting a deadline but just to have a basis (this might be extended) i’ll say valid roughly until november 9th.
  • that’s pretty much it! 

if this fails to generate interest, oh well, it was worth a try.
