#pokemon special

novanoah:Commission for Lawman09 from Deviantart. Luckyshipping (RedxBlue). Originally commissione


Commission for Lawman09 from Deviantart.

Luckyshipping (RedxBlue).

Originally commissioned a sketch of them last year and this time commission was about finishing it! (more like coloring it but I redrew it properly too, little extra for recurrent commissioner and supporter!).

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ilovecrt:Round 268 showcases Blue and Silver’s escape. People say that Blue hasn’t changed and sheilovecrt:Round 268 showcases Blue and Silver’s escape. People say that Blue hasn’t changed and she


Round 268 showcases Blue and Silver’s escape.

People say that Blue hasn’t changed and she stays relatively the same even in GSC, but that’s the misconception, everyone is growing up in Pokespe, even Blue who still showed that congirl persona, but even Silver knows that she’s changing.

Blue never nicknamed her Jigglypuff because it was scar in her heart that stayed with her, a reminder of the past she never truly let go of. It was only until she met the Pokedex Holders that she named Jigglypuff, finally.

Out of the original Pokedex Holders, there’s Red and Green. Yellow doesn’t count at this time because she isn’t a Dexholder until the end of this arc where she inherits the last one. So out of those two, who is the one who actually nicknames their Pokemon? It’s actually Red who is known for nicknaming his Pokemon.

By the end of GSC, her Jiggly is actually Level 57, the picture depicted is 53, so this is before GSC because she rarely was in it until the final battle.

I just find it neat that the most likely candidate who influenced her is Red because he’s the one who nicknames all of his Pokemon.

FRLG may be my most hated arc, but geez there’s some small neat details that will make any Luckyshipping fan happy.

Wow!  I never realized this…

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Was wondering if my idea would’ve been better than the actual ORAS manga itself. I was really bored, okay. ;;

  • Ruby and Sapphire both know about the crisis, but don’t tell each other that they know.
  • The first few chapters are spent with Ruby and Sapphire trying to figure out intel on the situation.
  • Emerald and Wally meet face to face and the two are stuck together for the time being.
  • The two also meet up with Zinnia and Zinnia joins forces with them and asks for their help to stop Devon Corp.
  • Zinnia is more or less less angsty and serves as a true anti-hero/villain, trying to stop Devon Corp from using their Dimensional Shifter on the Asteroid by using the game’s logic of multiverse-theory.
  • Blaise and Amber manage to steal it and use it with Hoopa, to create a “crack” or wormhole that allows them to recruit alternate versions of Archie and Maxie, along with the ORAS Magma/Aqua Admins.
  • Red and Blue both show up in the manga, but they are split apart. So Ruby is paired with Blue, and Red is paired with Sapphire. Ruby and Sapphire can both ask for their senpai’s opinions, respectively.
  • Eventually Ruby and Sapphire meet face to face and fight against each other earnestly for why they both weren’t honest with each other.
  • AU Archie and Maxie manage to get the Primal Legendaries and wreck havoc on the land while there is still the asteroid threat going on.
  • The Four Dexholders try to fight them, but are overpowered.
  • Wally, Rald, and Zinnia manage to get Rayquaza to join them to fight against the Primals.
  • The Primals are defeated, but Ruby and Zinnia are both out of the fight.
  • Sapphire is the one who bonds with Rayquaza, utilizing the space suit and attempts to destroy the asteroid.
  • The Asteroid is destroyed, a bunch of piece of it still manages to hit Hoenn.
  • From the crater, Deoxys (No. 1) appears, stronger than it was in FRLG, and definitely on par with Mega-Evolved Pokemon and easily mops the floor with everyone.
  • Deoxys is super vengeful and Red tries to reason with it, but gets impaled and injured.
  • Deoxys No. 2 makes an appearance and tries to reason with No. 1, but it ends in a fight between the Deoxys.
  • Blue aids No. 2 in defeating No. 1 (as payback for No. 1 attacking her back on the Seagallop), but No. 1 and No. 2 disappear in a flash of light.
  • The AU baddies are sent to prison, Johto trio makes a cameo with Crystal being upset that Rald didn’t ask any of them for help. Sinnoh Trio makes a cameo.
  • The World is saved, but Giovanni appears to have captured both No. 1 and No. 2 for himself, somehow.
  • Contest Spectacular Epilogue with all the Dexholders (even Wally and Zinnia) showing up in cute outfits. 

And here’s my Rewrite of your Rewrite. ;)

*I really wish the author hadn’t downgraded Wally so much.  And all because he isn’t named after a game version.  Both he and Shauna don’t get starter Pokemon because they’re not named after game versions?  But N, Cedric Juniper, and Malva get those starters because…?  Seriously, they took away the Pokédex, Ruby’s Gardevoir, and Emerald’s Sceptile. Sapphire gets a Gallade instead of him and even his role as a Mega Evolution trainer is written out.  Now what is he left with?!

*I wish the multiverse theory was explored more.  Bringing in alternate universe counterparts of characters would’ve explained the Neo Magma/Neo Aqua thing better.  And it would’ve made Zinnia fight against Devon Corp more viable.

*Seriously, explaining away the new appearances of characters with “codenames” is just lazy writing.  And why didn’t Amber and Blaise know about these codenames?

*An all out battle of Mega Rayquaza vs. Deoxys #1 and its changing forms would’ve been epic.  But I guess it’s meaningless when Red gives the advice of striking its core.

*So, Deoxys #1 was willing to destroy Hoenn just for revenge against Giovanni?  Even after bonding with Red and possibly meeting up with Deoxys #2?

*Would’ve been nice to see Red and Blue interact with Deoxys #1 again…

*The epilogue better show Ruby and Sapphire enjoying the Litleonids shower together.  “But their tickets were lost.”  They just helped save the world.  I think the scientists of the Mossdeep Space Center would be grateful enough to look past that.

*I wonder what Red and Blue will do next…


This is part of my ongoing series to analyze what I appreciate in the relationship between the Spe characters. Starting off with Luckyshipping!

This is going to be a long post, so if you don’t want to see more of this or don’t like the content. Please blacklist the tag: ship-moments or character-interactions to prevent this series from showing up in the tags on dashboard in the future.

It’s no secret that I’m a huge Luckyshipping fan and one of the oldest fans next to Coronis on the series, I have a huge different take on the bonds of these characters that newer fans seem to skimp on for whatever reason. So let’s go back to Red and Blue’s first interactions.


Their friendship was a peculiar one from Red’s interaction with any other girl. Red was attracted to Blue, like those love at first sight and Blue took advantage of that. She stole his badges (and his money).

 At first glance, being friends with this deceiving beauty seems impossible, and the next time they met again, Red was under deep cover, infiltrating Team Rocket to learn what they were up to.

Though as mad as he was, he couldn’t risk the thought of this girl who had met for like up to two times, to be hurt by Team Rocket. Red cares for everyone and even went out of his way to break his cover for this mysterious con-girl who has been giving him nothing but problems.


Even after breaking his cover for her, Red still blushes around Blue, and really it’s cute because prior to this, he was rarely shown publicly and actively blushing.


It’s by no means that their friendship is a perfect friendship. Almost like Batman and Catwoman. They were at odds, but companions, friends, if you would. Blue wanted to trade Mew off as a pet to Breeders to have financial stability and Team Rocket wanted to create a living weapon (Mewtwo). With Mew in jeopardy, Red, despite not knowing Blue on a personal or intimate level, entrusted her with hopes that she will do the right thing and keep Mew safe. 


In the end, despite the fact that it was Mew who saved Red and Blue from Team Rocket than the other way around, it’s just the beginning of a deeper friendship between these two.


More Red blushing and that she got away again. Red really shows his age as a kid by being in awe and constantly feeling all blushy around Blue. This is something that stays with him well into when he’s 19 in ORAS.

Red is known for being brave, reckless, and strong. He’s the guy who has gone toe to toe with the head of Team Rocket and came out victorious, twice. Yet, it’s really only Blue that has him losing his composure, and really that’s kind of cute as it shows and proves that he isn’t the typical shonen case of being “dense”. He’s capable of liking girls and he isn’t dense like what most fanart and fanfictions try to claim he is.

So with that out of the way, let’s see what Red and Blue is. 

Unique friendship? Yep. Long lasting friends? Seems like it! Love at first sight? I don’t know, they’re 11 and 12 in this arc, haha.

The dynamics in this continued interaction is great and I really do encourage readers to go back and re-read the RGB arcs to appreciate Red’s relationship with Blue. It’s really unique and one of a kind. Plus, as they grow up, you see them mature together and how they can confide in each other with their own personal problems. This is something you don’t see with Red doing to any other girl.

Yeah, people just like to write Red off as just another Ash Ketchum; only thinks of Pokemon and is oblivious to women. *facepalm*

ilovecrt:I was talking to a friend who confused about the version and the difference in dialogue iilovecrt:I was talking to a friend who confused about the version and the difference in dialogue iilovecrt:I was talking to a friend who confused about the version and the difference in dialogue i


I was talking to a friend who confused about the version and the difference in dialogue in which one is correct. I personally never cared or noticed, I always assumed she meant it for everyone until I revisited the Chuang Yi version, the version that everyone reads off of unless you have $$$ to buy Viz’s box set, which is also censored to a degree.

So let’s compare.

Blue’s raw dialogue is:



Which translated to english (and how I read it) is:

If you can’t decide, 

Rather, I wonder if it’s better off with everyone living together!!

Blue specifically said 「みんなで」 - “everyone”. She could’ve easily said 「あなたたち」- anatatachi or 「三人で」- sanninde, which is “you all” (excluding herself and the others), or “you three”. Instead, she referred to all the dexholders, herself included. 

If you don’t believe me, throw the dialogue into google translate. The core words are there and any translator won’t mess up a line that simple.

Chuang Yi made the mistake by only referring to Yellow and Misty, where as the original japanese wrote 「みんなで一緒に暮らし」 which is “everyone living together”. The omission of including herself is weird because this line was said before at the end of the Yellow arc. She was clearly mocking a line Red used before to poke fun.

Viz made a localization change, but kept the core of the translation correct, only changing the terms from living together to traveling to make it more kid-friendly.

So I guess to sum it up, to all the “Chuang Yi” elitists, Chuang Yi makes some blunders. Viz by no means is perfect, I will literally shred the translator who did FRLG, but their translations sometimes are just as accurate, or more accurate.

But it just seems like a really strange choice of words that can’t be possibly messed up unless it was an intentional thing on Chuang Yi’s part to start a shipwar between Misty and Yellow, when the original core message was for everyone to be together.

Chuang Yi omitting Blue from a statement meant to include her, Green, and the GSC gang.

Viz has some weird nonsense going in FRLG where they made Green be less hostile towards Blue, being nice to her (when the panel shows him being annoyed), and also changing his lines from “Has anyone told you that you talk too much… stupid girl” to “You’re the real MVP to me”.

“Blah blah blah Luckyshipper just mad because Chuang Yi is clearly more faithful and he’s just salty that Blue wasn’t involved in the harem, shaddup already! >:U”. I get it, honestly I do. However… when you’ve taken 4 years of Japanese, read the series to death from age 4 and still to this day, and you wonder what the original script says, and to your surprise, it was like a combination of both Viz and Chuang Yi’s translation, you’d be upset that you aren’t getting the faithful translation because something, or someone from both sides are up to their own shenanigans.

Really… can I just get the manga with the translation being faithful to the Japanese script without some asinine translator being biased towards ships or inserting their own headcanons into the story? God damn.

Can’t help but notice that Silver is annoyed in the background.  Is it because he hates how Green treats Blue?  Or is it the thought of Blue being *ahem* involved with Red?

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ryousha:Blue just being herself. One of my paid requests is finally here. Just a simple image~!  F


Blue just being herself.

One of my paid requests is finally here. Just a simple image~!

 Feel free to edit/repost and stuff, I’m not picky, just give credit~

Reblogging in an attempt to make this drawing visible to the LuckyShipping tag.

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Do You Like My New Dress Red? by Lawman09“Do you like my new outfit, Red? ”  That&rsqu

Do You Like My New Dress Red?byLawman09

“Do you like my new outfit, Red? ”  That’s what I imagine Blue is saying.

I know you can’t tell by the black and white, but Red is wearing Ash’s clothes.  And Blue’s “new” outfit is that of her original game counterpart.

My head canon is that if the Yellow arc of the Pokemon Special manga actually followed the plot of it’s game counterpart, Red and Blue would be wearing these outfits.

But yes, this was a commission I purchased from Bano Akira.

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Red: Blue, will you be my Battle Partner?

Blue: Eh?! *startled, embarrassed, and confused*

Red would either be presenting a Mega Ring to Blue or holding her hands.

compitae:[ it’s like i love the trouble, a luckyshipping fanmix. ] listen . art cred . troublemake


[ it’s like i love the trouble, a luckyshipping fanmix. ] listen .art cred .

troublemaker - olly murs //juliet - lawson //lay me down easy - 2am club// perfect - mariana’s trench //feisty ( blue satellite remix ) - jhameel // forever until tomorrow - mkto //scarlet - cleopold// breathe electric - electronic lover.

I totally agree! ♡ You don’t see this kind of dynamic with any other pair of characters of the series.

Whenever Blue is scheming, Red gets caught up in her plots. But he never holds it against her. In fact, he always seems happy that she’s alright at the end of the day.

Red and Blue really do make an interesting duo.

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my daughter yellow..

my daughter yellow..

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“Concepts like “fear” and “pity”…. I don’t comprehend them.”“Concepts like “fear” and “pity”…. I don’t comprehend them.”

“Concepts like “fear” and “pity”…. I don’t comprehend them.”

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because a poisonous starfish is clearly the best kind of pillowbecause a poisonous starfish is clearly the best kind of pillowbecause a poisonous starfish is clearly the best kind of pillow

because a poisonous starfish is clearly the best kind of pillow

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A little doodle of yellow for her birthday

I hope to drawing something better for her later, I’ve just been very busy lately

But happy birthday yellow!
