

A/N: So since I took a long break from a lot of my fics due to some heavy personal reasons, my mind is pretty like, bugged and just totally lost. So Imma just yeet a self-indulgent intermission chapter for the time being (I’m sorry ;-;). Also, look at me pulling out my rarepair cards again :>

~Shintori Khazumi

“My favorite is Diana~ <3 Oh, but I secretly have a soft spot for Barbara.”

“Wha-?” Akko squeaked, scrambling for the spatula that had slipped out of her hands as she suddenly lost focus. “What are you talking about?” She faced the older woman, slipping the utensil into the bowl she had previously been mixing.

“Oh, just from your girlfriends, I just find her utterly adorable is all. She’s also so polite! What a charmer.” The redhead grinned. “Not to mention her looks-“

“Okay! Okay! I get it! Stop, I don’t wanna hear what you think about Diana. At least, not like that.” Akko groaned, having had this conversation with her adoptive mother-slash-mentor more times than she had fingers.

“Oh? I personally enjoy my little spats with the England brat. She’s a brat, but-“

“Aunt Marj-“

“Call me aunt or auntie again and I’ll kick your ass.” Marjolaine scowled, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Akko sighed. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with these two adults, especially when they blatantly flirted in front of her and stole her concentration when she had work to be doing.

“Why are you guys here, anyway?” She grumbled, picking up from where she had left off with her batter.

“No reason.” Marjolaine shrugged. “Bored and there are no shows scheduled today so… I dunno about Char though.”

Akko turned to the woman, awaiting her answer.

“I just want to watch you be all sappy while preparing sweets for your anniversary.” Chariot shrugged as well, causing Akko to pout.

“If you had nothing better to do, then maybe you could have helped me out?” She gave them a pointed look.



“And why not?!”

“Because, Akko darling,” Akko glared and pushed Marjolaine away as she pinched her cheek. “It’s part of infusing your love into those yummy little treats is by putting in your fullest efforts. On your own.”

“You just don’t want to help me, do you.”

“Yup.” Marjolaine grinned cheekily, swiping her finger swiftly in the bowl and licking the stolen substance off with a happy hum while she avoided Akko’s reprimanding hits.

“Mom!” She complained to Chariot who simply laughed, leaving the two to their playfight as she two had her own taste test. “Oh, come on!”


“Babe, stop sulking.” Hannah poked Akko’s cheek, sighing when the girl’s frown only deepened, brows furrowing further as she smashed her fingers across her phone screen while playing a rhythm game, not winning at all due to how heavy her hands were being causing her to press inaccurately and also not move quickly enough to tap the notes on time.

“Stupid game. Stupid mom. Stupid Marj.”

“They didn’t mean any harm, dear.” Barbara sighed, placing down the magazine she had been reading before getting up from her spot on the floor and plopping down on Akko’s other side on the bed, laying across her lap with her stomach over Akko’s thighs and her head on Hannah’s.

“Still!” Akko exclaimed, frustrated. “Because they kept teasing me and stealing the batter while running around the kitchen, the bowl fell to the floor. It was my favorite one! It was glass too!” She cried out, throwing her phone across the room in her irritation, surprising Diana who had just walked in through the door. “And then I didn’t even get to give you all any gift for our anniversary because I had nothing else prepared and I-! I…”

Akko slumped forward, resting her torso over Barbara’s back. Diana placed the tea she had prepared on the room’s circular table safely before kneeling in front of Akko, taking her hands in her own and placing a kiss on each knuckle. Akko barely managed to keep pouting.

“Sweetheart…” Diana sighed, not really knowing how to make it any better. They knew that to Akko, these kinds of things were a big deal. She was a very thoughtful, hardworking girl who put effort into all the little things and big things. She was also emotional and sentimental. Things like anniversaries meant so much to her and she pulled all the stops on each monthsary they had. What she couldn’t afford financially, she made up for with effort- not that Hannah, Barbara, or Diana ever demanded any gifts from her. They were happy enough just spending time with her and being the ones to pamper and shower her with all the good things that they could give.

Akko just also wanted to repay them all the damn time, almost feeling like she owed them- an idea they regularly tried to get out of her system. They wanted her to know she was deserving and worthy of love at all times, in all circumstances. Why? Simply because they loved her.

The three shared a look, trying to communicate what they could do to lighten Akko’s spirits. Seemingly reaching an agreement, they all nodded, before Diana got up, pulling Akko to stand along with her, forgetting about Barbara sprawled across the girl’s as the said girl hit the floor with a dull thud and pained moan.


“I’m fine.” Barbara gave them a thumbs up and a dazed grin before Hannah picked her up and gave her a small kiss on the nose. “Even better.” Diana and Hannah simply rolled their eyes while Akko shifted her gaze between them, not knowing what was going on.


“Gee, I’m so hungry. What time is it? I sure wish someone would prepare me a meal~.” Hannah quickly spoke in the fakest tone of voice that made Akko snort.

“Oh, dear!” Barbara, in a nasally timbre, exclaimed, gasping as she exaggeratedly gestured to her watch. “It’s already five-thirty pm! I should have had dinner by now!”

“Barbara… you usually eat at nine pm, and you just order pizza because you’re too busy reading nightfall and too lazy to get up-“

“Shush!” Barbara held a finger to Akko’s lips, suddenly glancing about. “Do you hear that?” She said in a whisper.

“E-eh? H-hear what?” Akko suddenly became wary, also now on guard as she looked around the room for any potential intruders.

Hannah and Barbara shared a grin, evil glints in their eyes and somehow, the tallest of the bunch felt herself sweat. What were they-

“Diana’s stomach~” They sang annoyingly, poking the girl’s sides rather aggressively before bolting for the door as Diana tried to catch them, stumbling over the floor cushions and tripping.

“Wait, was that what you meant?! I didn’t think that our plan was- Hannah! Barbara!” Diana yelled after the pair that were already long gone. “Goodness.”

Diana’s attention was stolen by soft giggling. Turning around to her remaining girlfriend, she felt a tug on her heart as well as her lips, unable to keep herself from smiling as Akko tearily broke out into happy laughter.

“You all are dorks. Elegant, amazing, beautiful dorks.” She sobbed into Diana’s button-up, soaking the material lightly. “I love you so much.

Diana squeezed the girl tight, fingers playing with the silky strands of hair. “Yeah?”


Diana’s cheeks were hurting from how much more she smiled, planting a kiss on Akko’s head before twirling her around and leading her out the bedroom towards the kitchen. “We love you so much more.”

Akko laughed and sniffled.

“Why are you crying, love?” She asked, already knowing the answer that caused her heart to beat strongly in her chest.

“Isn’t it obvious, silly?” Akko glanced up at her, smiling like the angel she was in all her plaid shirt and fitted jeans glory. “Because I love you.”

Diana could just die on the spot.

“I love you too.”

They shared a kiss, content in just soaking in the warmth and gentleness of that one moment-

“Heeeyyy, so I’m actually hungry and want my darling wifey’s cooking~”

Akko blushed, scurrying towards their destination with a dopey-faced Diana in tow. “Who-who’s wif-… Hannah!” She exclaimed embarrassed, flushing even more when Hannah and Barbara flanked her sides and placed a kiss on the corners of her lips.

“What?” Hannah asked innocently.

“Indeed, what is the problem?” Barbara fluttered her lashes. “Did we disturb your flirting with our Diana? You didn’t even give us any kisses yet.” She pouted.

“Or declarations of your undying love for us.”

“You two…”

“Really, you both are so needy.” Diana reprimanded, crossing her arms, earning her two tongues stuck out at her to which she rolled her eyes in response. “At least let us all graduate college. Then we can talk about marriage.”


“What?” She said, innocently surprised. “I date with the intent to marry.”


Akko didn’t even have a chance to process that nor recover as she had already been pushed towards the counter, Hannah and Barbara laying ingredients in front of her.

“I want hot pot for tonight!”

“Oh, and maybe we can also make a light dessert. That, or we can have Diana run down to the store and get us a tub of icecream.” Barbara added to Hannah’s suggestion for tonight’s menu. “What do you think, Akko?”

“Akko?” Hannah turned away from the fridge, the rest of the girls looking at their lover, stunned and red, staring blankly at nothing. “Akko…?”

Diana gave Akko a light poke on the shoulder, yelping as the girl fell over onto the wooden floor, immediately curling into a ball, mumbling under her breath.

“Girls… I think Akko is broken.”

A/N: Yeet. Bye.

~Shintori Khazumi
