


Everything will be fine.

wow this is some long overdue fanart for this first GLORIOUSLY angsty piece here!@eve-of-halloween cooks up the finest of angst >:]

The first thing Nexobyte learned that day was what it truly means to be the one to call the shots—more importantly that when those same shots blow up in your face, no one is untouchable.

Blasters and bullets don’t care how much you love your family.

In the moment where Nex thought that the world would just collapse from having to chose between his post and his Carrier, Panzer took the mantle of lead defense.

The second thing Nex learned in real-time that day was why his pacifist Sire had always steered clear from battles.

Autobot armor is a beast to pick from the maw.

ANGST. in conclusion: Nex can’t catch a break and hehehe hohoho hmmmhmh big monster

ww, Polyphony lives!!!

Actually even better—I’m positive they are actually having the time of their life after all this drama. drugged out w hefty painkillers, held in beefy arms, AND they just checked off living that bucket list fantasy of a handsome casanova tearing world apart for them <3 gdi Panzer HUSBAND OF THE YEAR


Messe de Nostre Dame (Mass of Our Lady) is a polyphonic mass composed before 1365 by French poet and composer Guillaume de Machaut. It is one of the great masterpieces of medieval music and of all religious music; it is historically notable as the earliest complete setting of the Ordinary of the Mass attributable to a single composer, in contrast to earlier compilations such as the Tournai Mass. 

Interesting addition of melismata, quite unlike previous recordings. I’d like to read where they got the interpretation of the opening chant from; their way of singing it makes sense based on the notation, and I’m somewhat surprised that nobody has come up with singing it in an “ornamented” way rather than just melodic chant before. One only has to think of Arabic muezzin chanting in calls to prayer, which also uses varied “ornamentation”, depending on the muezzin, time and place, to make the connection. Although the crusaders had been booted out of Palestine in 1291, there were still crusades going on in Machaut’s time (Smyrniote 1343–1351, Alexandrian 1365,  Savoyard 1366) and half of Spain was still ruled by Muslims (it’s probably no accident that the first treatises on diminutions – “glosas” in Spanish and “divisions” in English – first appeared in Spain in the first half of the 16th century given that the last Iberian Muslims weren’t conquered until 1492 when Spain was united). Considering how much influence over European music and culture in general that the crusades and Al -Andalus had had since the 8th century, the interpretation makes sense. I have always thought that Monteverdi got the stutter trill on one note found in L'Orfeo and Missa Beata Vergine et al. from coming into contact with Middle Eastern vocal music in Venice (not that Muslims were allowed to chant prayer calls in Venice around 1600 though they probably frequented the city as traders; perhaps through cantorial singing in the Ghetto). It’s a rather under-researched phenomenon in music history. [Tony Villamotte]

Quite simply the best performance of this masterpiece that I have ever heard: note the embellishments, reminiscent of Bulgarian folk music, the nasal-toned voices, and the straightforward yet emotive style of performance. Note also theFrenchified pronunciation of the Latin text. [Daniel Waitzman]

@mykristeva I think this recording is brilliant, and the ornamentation plays a major role in that. The link with Middle Eastern chanting is valid, and I completely agree with the link to Bulgarian folk music. I wonder, however, if any influence also came from the Byzantine Empire, as Byzantine and subsequent Eastern Orthodox music also makes use of this ornamentation and their singing tradition predates the influence of Muslims in the East. 



Everything will be fine.

wow this is some long overdue fanart for this first GLORIOUSLY angsty piece here!@eve-of-halloween cooks up the finest of angst >:]

The first thing Nexobyte learned that day was what it truly means to be the one to call the shots—more importantly that when those same shots blow up in your face, no one is untouchable.

Blasters and bullets don’t care how much you love your family.

In the moment where Nex thought that the world would just collapse from having to chose between his post and his Carrier, Panzer took the mantle of lead defense.

The second thing Nex learned in real-time that day was why his pacifist Sire had always steered clear from battles.

Autobot armor is a beast to pick from the maw.

ANGST. in conclusion: Nex can’t catch a break and hehehe hohoho hmmmhmh big monster

ww, Polyphony lives!!!

Actually even better—I’m positive they are actually having the time of their life after all this drama. drugged out w hefty painkillers, held in beefy arms, AND they just checked off living that bucket list fantasy of a handsome casanova tearing world apart for them <3 gdi Panzer HUSBAND OF THE YEAR


I love!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nex is on the verge of completely giving up on himself as a leader and his papa is there to help get him out of his headspace for just a second enough to prevent a complete breakdown.

That day was scary and high pressure for everyone and nex still cant get the picture of their carries injuries or the fear in their voice during their sos message out if his head. Even after everything turned out ok its still very impactful to him.

And even worse is he cant get the absolutally AWFUL things his carrier said as he caried them to the medbay out of his head.

All around it was a terrible no good day for nex as he wasnt even sure if his carrier meant everything they were screaming in their wounded state or if it was them loosing their own mind from energon loss.

His sister being born sometime after poly recovered only made him more suspicious.

As for Poly in true poly fashion first message they sent out after was a photo of them in the medbae stripped down to their proto form covered in welding and tubes with the caption “I lived glitches”

Sure the months in a medbae sucked but them painkillers definently had poly saying things theyd usually never say outloud due to their reserved nature. Got them into a bit of trouble and lead to several promises they had made to panzer. Many of which involving their loose lips on the battle field.

As for cleaning the bits of bot from panders maw that was sonething poly enjoyed while berth ridded while their chassis had a hole through it. For every bit of bot they plucked from their hubbys maw, Panzer earned a kiss. Mostly to help releave the tension of having his teeth cleaned but also as a reward for saving their conjunx.


Happy Birthday @eve-of-halloween !!! Have some wholesome PolyPan and best boy Nex for your big day, hope you have a good one

I’m weeping look at this adorable lol family DX

Hold the baby gently and present him like a potat.

Its so cute I love it thank you pastel DX
