#pond originals


Tags to use on your story posts

We had a request for a list of tags that writers might want to use on their story posts to get more attention on their writing. Warning: There are a LOT. Sadly, Tumblr only allows the first five tags to be searchable Tumblr-wide, and only the first twenty tags are even searchable on your blog. (We are not sure how blacklisting via xkit or filtering via Tumblr work as far as where a trigger warning tag needs to be. If you have information about this, please let us know!) We’ve recently discovered that reblogs of posts aren’t searchable Tumblr-wide, either. This means that we have to choose those first five tags on our original post VERY CAREFULLY. What we’ve assembled here is a list of all possible tags that we could think of and variations on their spellings and abbreviations. If you can think of any that need to be added, just let us know!

Click here for the whole list!

On the second tab are bundles of tags that the Pond has been using when reblogging posts. We now know that this wasn’t helping you like we’d planned, but thought you might like having these tags bundled for you to use on your posts. Using the new post editor, you should be able to copy and paste a whole bundle into your post all at once. Again, if you think of tags that should be added to these, let us know!
