
waderpoopinggirls-old: My last major poop picture before we move to the UK :) I ended up getting som


My last major poop picture before we move to the UK :) I ended up getting some purple leggings and this was the first thing I did with them :) -Abi

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My last major poop picture before we move to the UK :) I ended up getting some purple leggings and t

My last major poop picture before we move to the UK :) I ended up getting some purple leggings and this was the first thing I did with them :) -Abi

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The day before yesterday (July 1st), we finally arrived in Inverness for our first week in the UK. We flew to London and took a train from LHR to Paddington, and took the Tube from Paddington to Kings Cross station (yes, that’s actually a real place). There, we got on our train to Edinburgh and Inverness. About an hour into the journey towards Inverness, Jekobi (she changed her name back from Hannah) started feeling the need to poop. Normally, if we needed to poop, we would just casually go in our pants, but because we were like 1500 miles from home, we decided to use the bathroom on the train. However, unluckily for Jekobi, the bathroom was out of order in this car. No wonder the car was empty! There were some other problems that made her unable to go to a bathroom. First off, the train’s next stop was in Edinburgh, which was in like 3 hours. Secondly, there was a working bathroom in the first car, but the first car was full, so we decided to sit in the last car which was empty. If she got up and went to the front to go to the bathroom, she would probably lose control in front of everyone. Third, when we were on the trains from Heathrow to Kings Cross, there was no time for her to stop and poop, so she hadn’t gone since we left Tallinn airport like 7 hours ago, which for us is a while. So at this point she was very desperate to poop. I decided to start chatting on Tumblr with someone I will not name here, and after a few minutes, Jekobi started letting out a lot of wet farts. Then, after a particularly wet sounding one, she said, “If I fart again, I’ll completely poo myself, or at least shart, and I don’t want to change clothes on a train! Why did we have to get the coach with no working bathroom on a fucking express service?!” She kept clenching as hard as she could for like 10 minutes. But then, when she tried to relieve a tiny bit of pressure… she slightly unclenched her butt, and let out a big gurgling wet fart that also had a bit of wet crackling. Jekobi had just sharted. “Oh shit… oh no…” Emma, Jenna, and I just watched on in silence as Jekobi kneeled down in the middle of the car clenching her butt. “Oh fuck, I can feel this massive load pushing on my butt… you can see I’m having to use all of my strength to hold it in… I don’t think I’m going to last much longer."​​​​​​​ The train went around a corner and shook a bit. And that’s all it took. Jekobi’s face went extremely red. I heard muffled, wet, gurgly crackling. "Oh no no no no no no no no no no…….. oh no it’s coming out… oh shit oh shit oh shit…."​​​​​​​ The gurgling and crackling got louder. There was now a wet brown bulge starting to show in her jeans. Soon, she stopped fighting it, and opened up the floodgates. The crackling got louder, and now there was a lot of gurgling as countless wet farts pushed their way out through the solid, crackly poop. After probably 10-15 seconds, it was over. There was a massive bulge in the butt of Jekobi’s jeans. "Abi, why did you have to pick the car that didn’t have a working bathroom?!” I replied, “That car was full by the time we got here… there are probably so many people using it that if we had gotten that car you still would have shit yourself, just in front of more people who aren’t all so close to you.” Sighing, she sat down on the other side of the aisle, smashing the load all over her butt, and she made a funny face as it happened. We sat in stinky silence for the next 3 hours. When we got to Edinburgh, the train stopped for half an hour, so we went to the station’s bathroom with a change of panties and jeans for Jekobi. After she changed, we got into the first car of the train which was much less crowded because most people on the train had been only riding to Edinburgh, plus it was like 1 AM. Nothing else interesting really happened on the rest of the way to Inverness. All of our bowels were happy about the working bathroom - well, it WAS working until I pooped in the toilet and Emma had forgotten to flush and the toilet got filled up with poop when I pooped (luckily I managed to avoid getting poop all over my butt). I feel sorry for the (probably) 25 year old woman who had to go in there and witness that atrocity and then clean it up. But, as they say, shit happens. We took a bus up to a hotel in the highlands next to a big peat bog - you can imagine what we did yesterday (and are going to do today)! If it helps, one hint (if you didn’t figure it out) is we brought our chest waders. Now that we are off the train, we are more enthused about pooping ourselves again, it’s just sort of inconvenient when it’s on a train. Sorry it’s been so long since a story, a lot has happened (nothing too bad). Now, Jenna, my girlfriend (remember, we are lesbian) wants me to come “rub [her] boobs” (which is code for something even more awesome!) so I need to post this already. Hope you enjoyed the story, see you whenever the next one is. :) -Abi

I pooped in my brand new leggings with no panties on :) -Abi (P.S. I haven’t gotten a chance t

I pooped in my brand new leggings with no panties on :) -Abi
(P.S. I haven’t gotten a chance to poop in my new waders yet - soon though!)

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Breaking in some brand new size 0 skinny jeans! -Jenna (formerly Trystan)

Breaking in some brand new size 0 skinny jeans! -Jenna (formerly Trystan)

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