#poor kouji



Everybody say it with me now:

Kouji is not, actually, just a moody introvert, but emotionally stunted from emotional neglect, grief, and a lack of social experience. Kouji is not, actually, a know-it-all who pretends to not need help, but stuck in a new, dangerous environment unable to ask or reach out for help due to valid trust issues, abandonment issues, and the learned trait of self-dependence out of necessity. Kouji can, actually, form deep bonds and communicate with others when they don’t emotionally scar him for life, and proceeds to do so multiple times.Koujidoes, in fact, have feelings that are mentally repressed for the majority of the season.

Digimon Frontier, episode 25:

“Don’t forget, young Kouji, I know your heart. Even when you have friends, you won’t allow yourself to be happy. Always in your mind, you prepare for the time they will leave. That is your greatest weakness.”

“Weak? I call it realistic. Everybody leaves, that’s a fact of life. I just want to be prepared for it. I don’t need friends, or family!”

(Bonus: his father is, in fact, a piece of work.)

(Double bonus: Takuya is always the first person to reach out to Kouji or even consider his feelings. Not even Kouichi did so without Kouji initiating said building relationship on Takuya’s advice. Takuya and Kouji have the strongest bond and character growth in the entire season and it was only because they had each other.)

100% agreed.

I love this so much and the tags are top tier.
