#poor vegans



It’s funny how quickly the faux concern for poor people gets abandoned when it’s poor vegans you’re talking to. Synthetic materials are almost always cheaper, but now we’re bad for buying them because they’re not environmentally friendly. High street fashion is more affordable than organic clothing, but that’s unethical too so now we’re hypocrites. Frozen fruit, canned veg and rice are cheap easy staples, but then apparently everything we eat is “rabbit food” and you pretend that’s the reason you aren’t vegan. Seems to me that you guys only care about being inclusive of the needs of poor people when you want to remind us for the one millionth time that not everyone can go vegan. Turns out it’s a different story entirely when the poor people in question aren’t those you can use as pawns in your half baked anti-vegan arguments.



99% of the time someone says “eating vegan is expensive and unaffordable” I assume they either

  1. Have never in their life gone grocery shopping
  2. Are well-off enough that they have never paid attention to the prices of the groceries the buy
  3. They don’t know what veganism means, or that beans and chickpeas exist

It is genuinely scary how many people’s sole experiences with beans other than processed baked beans and soy based additives are about 6 kidney beans with a plate of chilli con carne and hummus as a dip (bonus points if they actually know what a chickpea looks like)
