


anyone else find it funny how poor people aren’t allowed to ‘have’ things. poor people will be like well, guess we’ll eat these weird red sea cockroach things seeing as we can’t afford food, and rich people will be like Um :/ actually those are for us. so poor people are like okay, maybe we can just eat the parts of animals that no one wants, and rich people be like no, we have determined that these organs are very Rare and Valuable and made only for Delicate Palates. so poor people be like maybe we’ll just mine these shiny rocks and try to sell them to make a living, and rich people be like it has just come to our Attention that these are actually Extremely Precious Stones which we must place upon our Fingers. like…putting aside the fact that poor people can’t buy stuff because it’s literally unaffordable, they’re also just not allowed to possessanything.

one final thought: someone denying you access to something doesn’t mean you don’t have a right to that thing
