#pop linguistics




Looking for pop linguistics books or linguistics-related fiction to read, find in a library, ask for as a gift, or give to a language nerd in your life? Here’s an extensive list of books you might be interested in. 

New nonfiction books! 

Recent general books 

Older general books 

(Most of these I read when I was getting into linguistics so I can vouch for them being interesting enough when I read them such that they’ve stuck in my mind many years later, but I’m not sure how they’d stack up on re-reading. Just so you know.)

Specific Topics

Beginner-friendly textbooks

Comprehensive but more friendly than actual textbooks: 

Actual textbooks, still at an introductory level:


Fiction that contains a significant linguistic element, enjoyable for both practising linguists and language enthusiasts: 

Anyone else have pop linguistics books (or #lingfic) to recommend, or reviews to link to? I’ll try to keep this list updated as I hear of and review other books, old and new, so make sure to check out the source post andmy books tag if you’re viewing it as a reblog. There are some great additions in the extensive reblogs by Stan CareyandSuperlinguo.

Fiction Updates: 

I also keep a list of linguistically interesting fiction (lingfic) on Goodreads

Keep reading

Revised and updated for another year! 
