#porn rec


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The stars of this one are Jonathan Simms (cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute. ok. done) and Charlie Garcia (super pretty!).

This is one of the older videos in my porn collection. The last time I looked at this video it only had a few comments, and now they’re over 9,000. 900. Whatever. In any case, it’s pretty popular now, so there’s a good chance everyone’s seen it before. :D


  • Looking back at it, this is one of the videos that exposed my voice fetish. Jonathan’s voice is pretty fucking hot to me; he definitely should’ve talked more in this video. >.<
  • I really like Charlie’s boobs. Hi, I suffer from B-cup boob problem. Where is my support group? At any rate, straight girl, gay guy, I’m pretty sure you can appreciate nice boobs.
  • This is actually a lowlight, but, idk if any other girls watching this will notice Charlie’s shoes. I just…really fucking hate them. They’re platform flip flops. The dress could’ve been pretty if not for the shoes. This video is actually labelled as “Pretty Voices. Ugly Shoes.” in my iTunes library. She only wears them for the first couple minutes of the video, but it resonated with me. My apologies.
  • I’m pretty sure I watched this video for the first time when I was in middle school, and I genuinely thought (with my deluded preteen mind) that the people in this video were actually married. Although the camera work/location of the video definitely don’t look particularly professional, it’s still not “oh look at our own home video from our web cam” sort of thing–obviously. But anyway, I find the chemistry between the two to be acceptable. (Perhaps even good if you don’t remember any Manuel videos.)
  • I’m starting to think I should get a pedicure real soon. Like real soon.
  • The blowjob didn’t strike me as particularly hot, but there was still some nice tongue action.
  • And everyone knows that anticipating the first stroke is…well…
  • That “yeah” from Jonathan at around 14:43. I’m into that. His noises were quite nice overall. (I think he’s done some stuff in gay porn? Solo vids? That could explain it.)

Dani Daniels’ First Cock

Well, (I think) I got this blog off to a good start by beginning with one of my most favoritest videos. Let’s continue with a rec, kay?

Basic synopsis of the video, Dani Daniels has never had on screen sex with a guy prior to this video but decided on making Manuel her first. (A lot of women have made this very wise choice, the guy is basically a Sex God.)

First off, can I say Dani Daniels’ body is ridiculously perfect. Like, frustratingly perf. She’s got a beyond awesome silhouette. The first five or so minutes of the video are essentially just her parading around, and Manuel hasn’t been introduced yet. Spare yourself the body jealousy and skip straight to about 6:20, when Manuel gets his introduction.



This video is plenty awesome, and I hope everyone discovers the best moments for themselves, but… I would be remiss if I didn’t share some of my favorite parts.

  • Lots of kissing and contact. You can really tell Manuel worships and appreciates the female form. And this doesn’t stop after the first few minutes of video/the pre-dick insertion foreplay bit.
  • Eye contact. Of course it’s not real intimacy because it’s porn but. Wow. image(I somehow managed to gif the part with less eye contact. But I’m much too lazy to fix it now. :P)
  • Manuel is motherfucking French. With a motherfucking French accent.
  • à mon avis, Manuel’s face and his accent are equally beautiful. ♥
  • Any video with Manuel will have at least a bit of foot stuff, if you’re into that. (He clearly is, but it’s more like meh to me—not my kink.) image
  • Manuel does this thing where he dives into a vagina like he’s in a desert and that is the only wetness around. image
  • You can hear him whispering compliments and encouragement to her throughout the video. This is marvelous.
  • I like Manuel’s dick. It’s uncut and very thick looking. Lovely. Perf. Flawlessness everywhere. (I feel legitimately jealous that Dani’s mouth is on him and not mine.) image
  • He says her name (I mean, not the name that’s on her birth certificate, but whatever) throughout the video as well.
  • So. Much. Eye. Contact.
  • You can actually hear how wet she is. I’m always dubious of the girl’s enjoyment during scenes but I feel pretty confident Dani is both having fun and making money here, which is really the best case scenario for anything ever.
  • Most videos have like, a mid sex blowjob, but this one has some mid sex cunnilingus. OK. I’m down with that. I’m very very down with that.
  • I’m usually not that into the money shot bit, but… the banter around this one makes it quite a bit hot. ;)

image Pictured above: the eyes (and eye makeup) of a very ravished woman.

I am beginning to realize that my favorite parts of this video are basically the entire video. Give it a watch; it comes highly recommended.
