#posi vibes



You didn’t deserve to go through the traumatic things you went through. And it wasn’t your fault. 


to the people that grew up lonely:

I’m sorry. you didn’t deserve to go through that. no one deserves to go through that. you deserve to be made to feel valued and loved by the people around you and I’m so sorry that those people didn’t do that. you are as worthy of kindness and positivity as every other person in this world and you are allowed to take up space just as they do. you are not an exception. I know it can be hard to believe but I promise you that there are people who will treat you with the affection that you deserve. there are people who are waiting to meet someone like you and they will be so grateful to know you once they do. there are good people in this world and, if you haven’t already, you will find them. i hope you find them soon.


Honestly, my goal in life is just to be a very warm person. I want to be as loving and as kind as I can be.
