#post add on




Hey everyone!

I know I haven’t been as active on this blog as I used to be, but if you follow me on my main @softlygasping you know I am fully in the Zukka Renaissance (Sokka/Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender) which has taken a majority of my attention and energy.

Just thought I should say something to ensure that I still intend to run this blog and make recs whenever I read a johnlock fic, I havent forgotten about y'all!

I am now in my Wangxian phase (Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian from The Untamed) as you know if you follow me on my main @softlygasping but wanted to give you guys an update anyway that this ficrec hasn’t been forgotten. Even though it’s been a while since I’ve read a johnlock fic, I’ll still add them here whenever I end up reading more
