#powerpuff girls oc

 Here’s Bruno’s age chart!Not much to say, but yes as you might be able to perceive by t

Here’s Bruno’s age chart!

Not much to say, but yes as you might be able to perceive by tween. Bruno is a huge nerd (He’s being raised by two huge nerds) and loves D'n’D and other tabletops.

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 Figured I’d do some some age ups for some of my PPG OCs as well. In case I ever needed it. Bl

Figured I’d do some some age ups for some of my PPG OCs as well. In case I ever needed it.

Blondelle came first. I plan to do Bruno too but I ran out of time for now as I have work tomorrow.

He’ll come next shortly.

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 Some more fake screenshot comps. These are more so original poses and scenes with backgrounds from  Some more fake screenshot comps. These are more so original poses and scenes with backgrounds from  Some more fake screenshot comps. These are more so original poses and scenes with backgrounds from  Some more fake screenshot comps. These are more so original poses and scenes with backgrounds from

Some more fake screenshot comps. These are more so original poses and scenes with backgrounds from the Powerpuff Girls featuring my OCs and Beatrix

1. Bruno eats his greens, but only to gross out his sister
2. Bebe, Bloom, and Brynna at the beach. They are the three most in tune with nature
3. Beatrix in the PPG Household with her doll, Bandit
4. Beatrix makes some new friends with Bede and Bonnibel.

Beatrix belongs to @the-oc-nebula

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 Decided to a proper redraw of Bianca in the Perfect Little Girl pose. Since The Perfect Little Girl

Decided to a proper redraw of Bianca in the Perfect Little Girl pose. Since The Perfect Little Girl was Bianca’s design inspiration

I tried to make it closer to the 1998 cartoon style than the Whoopass Stew Pilot

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 With the 4th here, I’ve been feeling nostalgic for family vacations I used to take with my pa

With the 4th here, I’ve been feeling nostalgic for family vacations I used to take with my parents and brother up north to a cabin on the lake so I wanted to render a cute domestic scene of the BB family on vacation at the lake.

Briar and her family are probably back at the cabin preparing a barbeque while Tara, Chris, Blondelle, and Bruno enjoy a dip in the lake.

Background is a stock image

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 THIS IS IT! I’ve finally put together a document I’ve been wanting to make for a long t

THIS IS IT! I’ve finally put together a document I’ve been wanting to make for a long time.

A proposal for a lore-friendly way to include Powerpuff and Rowdyruff OCs within the Powerpuff Girls Universe.

This document explains a concept for a comic, an “episode” of the powerpuff girls that would explain this. Giving reason as to why a number of my PPG OCs exist, and also explaining how it ties my version of Bunny and Bliss into the Power of Five AU.


So anyone (Who like isn’t otherwise blocked by me) is allowed to make content using this concept as a basis.

I’ve even created a template which others can use for their own Puff-based OCs

I am very open to thoughts, comments, suggestions, criticism, and anything that can help me develop and adapt this idea. So please free to contact me, TerraTerraCotta, on any of my Socials.

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 Wanted to do something for me and decided to redraw one of the traced artworks my likeness was thro

Wanted to do something for me and decided to redraw one of the traced artworks my likeness was thrown into back in that debacle with the Strongershine Girls.

After all it could make for a sweet picture of Tara comforting her son, and SOMEONE has to remind AlexPowerpuff (They deleted their old DA, Alexanderpuff, to avoid taking responsibility for their actions) who Tara’s children REALLYare.

Background is actually original this time! The OG screenshot’s background was just a wall so I drew up a wall that would be more relevant to the BB Family Household.

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