

Here’s some advice for the Liberal Team in NB to salvage the campaign (if done right, it’s easy):

1)Fire the “communications executive” and hire a seasoned, professional crisis communications PR team.. NOW.. and take their advice…

If you do that… they may just..

Develop and execute a new newsmedia strategy which can be as simple as:

  • a) having the leader take a backseat and pushing the party platform forward;
  • (b) find and press a “liberal-leaning” journalist from the CanadaEast newsgroup (separate from CBC) to do a feature on your leader and/or ANY liberal candidates (there is no coincidence that Pro-PC and fracking commercials come right before or right after JD Irving Ltd commercials… They do own CanadaEast news media…);
  • © getting your *new/real* PR team to make your platform messages understandable and not easily confounded or confused (by any party member running or opposition party - clarity and concision, people);
  • (d) Set up an interview with a separate television news media station (*ahem CTV*) and properly prepare your interviewee or leader. Make sure he looks.. amazing: stern, honest, in control, serious and accepting but unaffected by previous communication gaffs;
  • (e) Do a series of syndicated radio interviews on CBC Mainstreet outlining your policies;
  • (f) release a statement regarding the interview explaining the confusion and the repeated mistakes while properly outlining the plan;
  • (g) Pray its not too late.

That’s a pile of free advice - but if I were you, I’d stick with #1 and work from there.

You are welcome, #NBLiberals and #goodluck.

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